CUSG Meeting Summary - 03.03..2025
Attendees: John Kukuc (Chair), Simon Clarkson (SLO), Nigel Clibbens (CUFC), Amy Nixon (CUFC), Peter Dunn (CUFC), Teresa Mulholland (CST/EDI rep) Nataly Mason (Women’s rep), Claire Winder (Supporters’ Trust/minutes), Dave Brown (London Branch), Andrew George (Carlisle United South Cumbria Supporters’ Club), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporters)
Apologies: Dave Gale (EDI rep), Sonny Kirkwood (Warwick Road Enders), Keith Elliott (CUSAT)
1. Club update
This can be viewed HERE.
Further update/discussion:
Support the fans have been giving the team both home and away has been fantastic; in the vast majority of situations the behaviour of fans has been excellent. We continue to work towards the FA action plan for fan behaviour so when there are incidents of poorer behaviour the authorities do make note of them.
Club and all supporter groups to continue to encourage the excellent behaviour that has a positive effect for the team and club reputation.
Club are looking at developing a social media policy, looking at best practice examples from other clubs, supporter groups and Football Supporters’ Association. Supporters’ Trust and London Branch have been looking into this also. Discussion about wanting to continue to encourage feedback (both good and criticism) and engagement via social media, though there have been occasions where moderation has been needed where that engagement has overstepped the mark into abusive comments. The aim is for the policy to be developed through CUSG and the supporter organisations, so it is something fans have been involved with before it is rolled out. CW shared FSA social media policy with NC and DB. Club to draft and share and consult with CUSG groups.
- Independent Regulator for football.
Continuing development of legislation through the House of Commons and House of Lords. It is expected to become law this year, possibly summer/autumn time, then the Organisation will need to be developed. There will then be an independent “State Of The Game” review which will take approximately 18 months and will look at what is going well and what needs to reform. It will then use its influence to look at how that reform takes place. Some aspects of the review may be parachute payments, international fixture breaks and fixture calendar, competition structure and in general the number of fixtures through a season.
- National League proposing 3 teams up and 3 teams. It wrote to some EFL clubs in late February seeking support.
This is an ongoing discussion taking place and it was proposed ahead of the EFL meeting. In NC view it is likely this will form part of the “State Of The Game” review as it is a complex issue and one which will have ripple effects throughout the EFL.
- Football calendar
It is more common now for League 1 and League 2 clubs to have games postponed due to international call-ups which means there are more mid-week fixtures. This impacts on clubs because attendances are lower and all income areas reduced (tickets, retail, hospitality, commercial. sponsorship), there are more challenges for travelling to games, clubs receive less income, and there are fixture backlogs. This impacts some clubs more than others, and it is more difficult for the League to manage the backlog. These pressures will worsen in future years and is likely to require significant changes to competitions in NC view. It is likely to form part of the ““State of The Game” review.
- Season Tickets selling for 25/26
The Club adopt an approach of waiting until the season has finished before making any decisions and announcements as it allows them to have all the information needed to make decisions. This will continue to be the approach for the foreseeable future.
- Backing The Blues photo archive.
Following a request by Newsquest, it has been agreed to return the archive of original photographs previously offered to the Club when the N&S premises in Dalston Road were cleared. The photographs were heading to land fill when the club and SLO took up the offer and they were rescued at the last minute, as the offices were being cleared by its contractors in March 2022. Volunteer fans have been collating and archiving the pictures over the last 3 years. They have subsequently been showcased in the exhibition and number of other archive projects. Discussions are due to take place over the terms of any possible future access. The hand back will take place asap. Club to develop Governance structures for donations provided.
2. Disabled supporters update by Dave Gale
We are trying to build a picture of who is parking in disabled parking areas at the ground and how to make improvements. There may be confusion over that parking area and it is poorly signed. I have worked with the club to create an email regarding this to disabled supporters and the responses will contribute to the assessment.
I have enquired about the possibility of a changing places toilet for disabled supporters, which is something I think we could get funding towards. The charity I am on the Scottish Council for Muscular Dystrophy UK have lots of links in this area I could possibly take advantage of. This is something I think could benefit the club and the wider community could use it on non-match days as Carlisle has a shortage of them. But obviously, this is just an idea at this stage.
Finally, I must commend the trust for launching the defibrillator fundraising it literally could be a life saver.
Additional discussion:
SC completed an audit of the disabled parking at 2 recent home games. All parking was fully compliant with Blue Badges and there was spare space. People are being asked to email the club to register for a space. A survey looking at demand will be sent out.
3. Finance
Bank balance is £5,549.23 with ringfenced funds of £3,500 for memorabilia project and £72.40 for the prediction competition.
The Lottery License has been renewed which allows the prediction competition. The disabled supporter’s account has been closed – thanks expressed to JK for support with this. The CUSG account can be used on a case-by-case application.
4. Backing The Blues
Volunteers known as the Carlisle United Collective (CUC) have taken some of the items from the exhibition at Tullie on a community tour to visit places around the city and then setting about on the huge task of archiving all the material before then working towards establishing a museum at Brunton Park. Installations are in place at the Kings Head pub, the indoor market, Warwick Road Bed centre, Carlisle Cathedral, Currock and Botcherby Community Centres.
At the Brunton Park ticket office, the former trophy cabinet from the west stand boardroom has been repurposed as a revolving exhibition space. This was used for a display to commemorate Alan Shoulder who sadly passed away last month. When items return from the community tour, where possible they will be displayed at the ground.
Last week the CUC hosted the families of two former players, and they viewed items from the archive from the 1950’s. The visit was completed with a tour of Brunton Park, with the event was filmed by students from the University of Cumbria.
We have received a huge amount of donations, but items can still be donated for the archive. If you would like to donate any items or join the Carlisle United Collective to support various aspects of this project, please contact
An end of project event is in May is being planned.
5. Calendar of projects and events
There are now events planned for the remainder of the season. Query whether the Supporters’ Trust will be organising another Retro Shirt Day. Discussion around possibility of having it when warmer weather is expected so more can be on show.
CW to discuss at the next Trust board meeting.
6. EDI update
This can be viewed HERE.
Additional discussions:
CW has a role in the NHS which could add to the Baton of Hope event planned for Sept. TM to add CW to Baton Of Hope working group.
SC has items in the exhibition donations which would be good for the Repair Café e.g. old Be Just And Fear Not flag.
Extra date for a foodbank collection requested for Easter holidays off the back of the success of the Christmas collection.
7. SLO update
Key to providing excellent quality information for our fans travelling away is the development of strong relationships with other SLO’s and the Dedicated Football Officer. We always have an SLO present at our away games to consult with the home staff and have established resilience to ensure this by expanding the team.
The away mascot reciprocal agreement has been taken up by approximately two thirds of opposition teams and we support this by arranging a London Branch funded goody bag to be handed over on the day. This new venture has been successful and creates memories that last forever for the mascots.
The SLO team of meeters and greeters have taken on a key supporting role to enhance the matchday experience for our visiting community groups. The popularity of the Cumberland Building Society sponsored activity now means that a team of volunteers are needed to provide a mini ground tour and answer questions from young and often first time visitors.
With EDI reps in the fan zone, this allows the SLO team to expand our ground coverage on a matchday. We collate issues to raise with the club, so that they can be resolved (where possible). We are always on the lookout for more meeters and greeters, so please get in touch if you would like to join the team. As a thank you for helping you will receive a complimentary match ticket.
8. Group updates
Scottish Supporters – Keith Ward
No issues to discuss.
Supporters’ Trust – Claire Winder
Memorial Plaques:
We are sorry for the delay to the most recent batch of plaques. Our original plan of ordering in batches of 12 has meant there has been a significant delay in this batch being ordered, as a result of this we have changed the way we order; this will now be in 3 monthly intervals, regardless of how many are ordered in that period. Details can be found on our website.
Defibrillator fundraiser:
Working alongside St John Ambulance, Chris Armstrong has worked hard at organising this fundraiser. We will be adding 4 more defibrillators to Brunton Park and the Trust will fund the first one. Thank you to the fans and players who have supported us with testimonials and videos to help us promote it.
- CW expressed thanks for the generous £1000 donations from the Club and the London Branch. AG plans to discuss a donation from the CUSCSC at their committee meeting this week.
- Discussion about training opportunities for staff, volunteers and supporters, could make us of the Fanzone screen, and there are online CPR courses that could be used too.
Member engagement:
Ongoing meetings - Teams will be used for member meetings and Twitter Space for wider fan engagement. There's also additional flexibility as/when additional meetings are needed. Next meeting is Teams on 09/03/2025.
Member Hospitality draws:
Continued success for both the Boardroom and United Lounge Hospitality draws. This allows us to invest into the Club & offer the shareholder experience for members. We will continue this next season.
Member queries and discussion:
- Can access to the memorial garden be all year round? Some members have not been able to visit on important anniversaries or dates e.g. Xmas day.
- The gates are locked when the Neil Centre is closed, this can be up to 11pm. It’s not possible to leave gates open at other times. Discussion about whether access via Thirlwell Gardens/ via Stonyholme for pedestrians is possible.
- SC – there will be a display of 2,000 spring bulbs in the coming few weeks by the memorial garden. All encouraged to have a look at the surprise display that should bloom.
- Are there restrictions on fans/visitors recording from the stands for vlogs?
- AN - There are restrictions due to SKY requirements i.e. when match action can be displayed. The club have the same restrictions. There is an approach of being a relaxed as possible towards this as vlogs are more common and it encourages visitors to games, however there are times when action to stop them has been required.
- Where are the trophies displayed now?
- NC – Some are exhibits externally, others are in storage, and others will be displayed in the Chairman’s Lounge. Additionally, some will be rotated and displayed at the ticket office.
London Branch – Dave Brown
Good to see that we are now starting to get non-members coming to the Sky games organised in Central London albeit in small numbers.
We have been very impressed with the Defib fundraising initiative from the Supporters Trust and have pledged a £1,000 donation to the appeal.
The Hit The Bar! fanzine has been delayed since early January due to the Editor recovering from an operation. We are hoping that it will be possible to publish the next issue in early April. Meanwhile the weekly Virtual Hit The Bar newsletter continues to appear every Friday.
Away Travel – Keith Elliott provided an update
Plans will be announced in the coming months for next season’s travel plans / arrangements as there will be changes.
Two coaches for Harrogate leaving from Jesmond Street.
South Cumbria Supporters’ Club – Andrew George
- Total Memberships: 78 (+3 since the last meeting)
Adults: 54 (+2)
Family Memberships: 21
Under 16s: 2 (+1)
Growth: +1 adult member since the last meeting
Coach Travel/Car Share:
- Recent Away Days: 10 off Fleetwood, 5 off Grimsby, (all car share) and 15 off Barrow (Coach)
- Home: No Homes attended as a SC
- Upcoming: 5 off Car Share to Harrogate, 2 off Doncaster, TBC Chesterfield, TBC Morecambe
Future: CUSCSC Hospitality Bromley Home and CUSCSC Bingo Night 28th March at the New Union in Kendal.
AG to link in with CW/Trust about the Bingo night.
Warwick Road Enders – Sonny Kirkwood provided an update
WRE acoustics – is there an update?
- The Club have looked into the viability of a project to update the roof. The amount of work required, the cost of the work and the risk of the required work damaging the current structure means it is sadly not a viable project at present.
Riegan Thompson from the Supporters’ Trust is planning on coming into the Warwick before a game to have a chat with fans as a Trust representative. This will hopefully be a good opportunity to let the younger fans know how the Trust works, what it is, what they do, etc.
Any Other Business
- NC asked if people are receiving club surveys following home matches – confirmation of this happening. The Club are analysing the data and themes, and changes occur because of them. Encouragement to continue to use them and feedback.
- Discussion about how/when the Fan Zone big screen could be used e.g. UEFA Women’s Euro tournament in the summer.
- PD discussed the feedback from a YouTube vlogger “The Tartan Groundhopper” who visited Carlisle and Brunton Park for the first time for the Gillingham game. Very complimentary about the city, the fanzone and the experience in general. LINK to the vlog.
Date of next meeting - 14 April 2025.