After our 3-0 win against Kendal Town, we spoke to Gav Skelton. 

“Good evening's work from everyone," Gav began. "Particularly the second half, there was a bit more flow to the game. Better switches of play, we moved them and there was a better tempo to it.”

On the first-half, he said:

“It was a bit pedestrian at times. We kept going back into the same areas and it looked like hard work.

“In the second half, we opened them up by switching play, moving the ball a lot quicker and creating a lot of good opportunities. Just that final touch that didn’t make the scoreline more flattering to ourselves.”

Terell Thomas opened the scoring from a set-piece, on scoring from such situations, he said:

“Always good, always a massive part of any league, any competition, is set-plays. It's something I was conscious of a couple of years ago. We were successful from set-plays and it's something that both ends want to start on now.

“We've looked at it in training, it's something we wanted to continue to develop and work on and improve on.” 

Charlie Wyke netted twice in the game, Gav spoke about our new number 10:

“You could see the composure from him. The calmness, you can tell he's played at a good level and scored a lot of goals, the way he slows himself down to finish it, he doesn’t panic.

“I’m looking forward to continuing to work with him. It’s really good to get him in the building. Not just as a personality, but as a player, you saw his link up play, his movements good, he’ll be a real asset to us.”

Kendal stuck at it, and gave United a game, Skelton said: 

“Yeah, it was a competitive game. They caused us problems with the way they worked and tried to play. Especially in the first half, they got behind the ball, they were nice and compact, nice and  organised and made it difficult for us. So, you have to give them a lot of credit.”

He went on to add: “And like I say, first half was disappointing. But the attitude was there and at times there was nice play. We’re looking to move the play, it’s something we spoke about it in training, something we wanted to develop.

“We've seen more of the stuff that we're looking for and kind of touched upon working on in training, in the second half.” 

Georgie Kelly was absent this evening, Skellton provided an update:

“Yeah, he’s coming along nicely. The timescale couldn't give an accurate date but he's back out on the grass. Hopefully, it won’t be too long. No rush, we’ve got plenty of time before the first game of the season.

“I'd love him to be playing tonight but the main thing is he's fit in August.” 

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