CUSG: January meeting minutes

CUSG Meeting Summary - Remote meeting via Zoom, 22.01.2024

Attendance –  John Kukuc (Chair), Simon Clarkson (SLO), Terry McCarthy (London Branch), Nigel Davidson (EDI Rep), Alastair Woodcock, Ross Parkinson (CUOSC), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporter), Nataly Mason (Women and Girls’ Rep), Amy Nixon, Nigel Clibbens (CUFC)

Apologies –  Keith Elliott (CUSAT), Sonny Kirkwood (Warwick Road Enders), Philip Walker (South Cumbria Supporters Club)

John Kukuc introduced the meeting.

  1. Fan behaviour

The club had been asked to ‘submit observations’ on the Charlton Athletic incidents on November 25. In response they had received a warning from the FA. A further incident at the Port Vale game on January 1 required another letter detailing the club’s observations to be submitted to the FA. A third observations letter was submitted after the Oxford incident in which an assistant referee received racist abuse.

The club are awaiting a verdict on the last two incidents. The club will continue to work closely with CUSG and groups on how to combat bad behaviour. Nigel C said the club are having to consider revising rules for admitting children and the age limit on fans being unaccompanied in the Warwick Road End and the Paddock.

Simon commented that Nigel D was planning to do regular training with stewards to help them deal with incidents of this nature. He wanted to ensure that fans are confident in reporting to stewards/club/etc.

Nigel C said that the strong and clear message to stewards from the club was to respond when fans report things and be proactive and intervene in incidents of misbehaviour.

Ross asked if the club are using the wrong social platforms online? Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat are used more heavily by younger fans than Facebook and Twitter/X. He also wondered whether restorative justice is working with all supporters who misbehave at games?

Nigel C said one aim is to take fans who have misbehaved and turn them into advocates for better behaviour. This has worked with fans who have been involved. Nigel D commented that each case needs to be taken on its merits when it comes to using restorative justice or not. E.g. Autistic fans can’t always process the fact that what they have done is wrong.

Simon said that we need to avoid focusing solely on the Warwick Road End and younger fans. Other areas of the ground and older fans are also causing issues. This was a ‘whole fanbase’ issue, he said.

Nigel C backed this up by reminding the group that the incidents have involved adults. He agreed that we need to target messages better using socials. The biggest deterrent is people getting caught, he said. He added that more body cams worn by stewards are helping detection rates.

He thanked fans for their support in identifying culprits and supporting the club’s attempts to address these issues.

  1. Club updates

Nigel C had already circulated the club update, which is available HERE. This week’s storm had damaged the fan zone. Nigel explained that these were temporarily hired fixtures, with the risk taken on by the provider. He said they would be fixed within the next 24 hours.

A couple of player banners around the ground had been pulled down in the wind but are being fixed. Nigel commented that this was not serious.

Terry asked if the club were developing a second fanzone at the back of the Warwick Road End? Nigel C said the club were, with more details to come. He said Paddock fans will then have two fan zones to choose from (West side and WRE).

Nigel C said plans for development work in the Pioneer Stand/Warwick Road End corner will be going on the club website tomorrow. WRE Fan zone work is separate and will be detailed later.

New turnstiles are to be created. A disabled platform is to be installed without a ramp for access. Fans will be able to enter from ground level via new turnstiles.

Nigel D said a report is to be submitted to the club board detailing further potential developments for disabled fans

Terry asked if the club had applied for planning permission on a site for the new training facility? Nigel C replied, stating that no formal planning applications have gone in for this yet. A number of potential sites are being narrowed down. The club is talking to the council at the moment on ideas and potential options. He stressed that it is still ‘early days’ for this project

Simon asked if the East Stand access turning point from Warwick Road is dangerous? Should it be traffic light controlled? Nigel C would liaise with the council over this issue.

  1. Finance/New year raffle

Bank account: £5225 of which £82 is ring fenced for competition prizes.

New Year raffle: £3648 of tickets sold. Up £1k on last season.

£2400 were cash sales. £407 card sales face to face. £833 sold online.

Terry said that £1000 of tickets were sold on 3 match days. £245 sold at the December fans forum. 9-10 individuals had sold collectively £1100+ of tickets.

22 prizes had been drawn. Two prize winners had not yet been contactable. This had been advertised on social media.

Terry would like to place on record his thanks: to all those who helped organise the raffle and sell tickets, CUOSC, CUSCLB, CUSAT and CUFC for helping to promote the raffle, the local businesses and individuals who kindly donated prizes, and finally to all those who bought raffle tickets.

Simon said all money raised would to go to the club to help preserve its heritage.

John Kukuc commented that ‘sterling work’ had been done by all those involved.

  1. Fans’ forum

Simon said the forum held before Christmas at Brunton Park was a huge success, selling out in 10 minutes.

Fans from further afield wanted forums in their areas. This was being looked at and locations were being examined. Nigel C was waiting to do proper PR but the next forum will be held at Kendal on February 6. He had spoken to Keith W about organising one for the social club beside Gretna football club (likely in March). There was also one to organise for West Cumbria in April/May.

  1. EDI

An update had already been circulated by Nigel D and can be viewed HERE. The club’s EDI work had been rewarded with the EFL giving the club a bronze award. A lot of this work had come about thanks to the CUSG’s efforts, said Nigel. Hard work had been done and he thanked everyone who had helped from the fanbase and the club for their backing.

A meeting with disability reps on January 30 will cover a lot of outstanding points. It will feed into the report that is going to the club’s board. Audio descriptive commentary is being investigated, as part of this process.

A Conference has been organised for February 8 in Leicester of EDI officers from clubs across the country. Nigel D to attend on behalf of CUFC.

  1. Constitution review

Terry wanted to make sure that a complete list of current representative groups/members was available. He didn’t think anything else needed changing.

The current groups with CUSG representation were: CUOSC, CUSAT, London Branch, Carlisle United South Cumbria Supporters Club, Scottish based Supporters, Warwick Road Enders, CUFC EDI/mental health. The final group encompassed sub-groups such as LGBTQ+, Women’s and Girls and BAME/PoC.

Terry to update the document and circulate.

  1. Memorabilia

Further to the earlier mention in the meeting regarding raffle proceeds, Simon updated that a decision was imminent from the National Lottery regarding a major funding application for an exhibition at Tullie House. If approved, Cumberland Council, Tullie House and the club would all contribute funds to complement the lottery award.  Phase 2 of the project would be a road show around the county doing mini exhibitions. Archiving and preserving skills would be passed on to the volunteers by an appointed project curator. Expanded space for housing/displaying the collection at Brunton Park is the long term aspiration.

Nigel C referred to plans being published tomorrow. A space in the East Stand plan for office space/ analysis/academy areas is expected to eventually become redundant, as it will move to the planned new training facility and this space has been earmarked for the permanent display of memorabilia.

  1. SLO Update

At home games, the meeters and greeters are kept busy with a variety of activities around the ground including supporting the pre match community groups who get a mini ground tour before the game. We are delighted to have expanded the team this season with two new young female team members joining our ranks. As our crowds grow and areas like the fan zone become increasingly popular, the team needs to keep evolving.

We are always on the lookout for more meeters and greeters, so please get in touch if you would like to join the team. As a thank you for helping you will receive a complimentary match ticket.

Thanks to the efforts of CUSG volunteers, Cumberland Youth Justice Service and local businesses, a memory garden at Brunton Park is now established that includes a bench in memory of Dave Wilkes donated by the Former Players Association. I was delighted to manage the project and I hope the area will serve as a quiet, reflective place where staff and fans can go to be comforted and inspired.

Some away trips are to grounds a lot of our fans have not been to before, so it makes it important to gather relevant information from the home SLO and Police. We hope fans find the information Keith and I share is useful and it enhances the match day experience.

It has been great to see the @cufcfanvote player of the month award come to fruition. Voting for the January player of the month will open up this weekend with the presentation due to take place before the Portsmouth game.

I really enjoyed hosting the fans forum just before Christmas. There is a huge demand to have more of these and take them on the road, around the county and beyond. They will need to be staggered over the upcoming months based on availability and hence a discussion point on the agenda tonight. 

  1. Group updates


We have just passed 1300 Members’, fantastic to see!

New Members’ draw for all Home matches - Winner gets to bring a friend for a ‘Boardroom Experience for Two’ and watch match from Directors Box. First winner will be in place for Bolton on Saturday. This is an individual involved with the response to the Lockerbie bombing who won an MBE for his efforts. 50 USA-based supporters joined last week, to help promote the club and CUOSC in Florida.

Internally, now we’re into New Year, our Sub-Groups at Board level are beginning to get stuck into looking at CUOSC as a whole, with the aim of shaping the organisation for the future. Full audit of Policies working with the FSA, as well as looking at Name, Logo, Membership costs and offering etc. Looking to involve both Members and those who aren’t in the process as it moves forward. Please keep an eye out for more details in coming weeks/months.

London Branch -

Dave Brown was unfortunately injured in a fall recently. John Bowman is now acting chair. Dave is in good spirits. A Q&A session with Paul Simpson has been organised for February 23, the night before the Bristol Rovers game. Hit The Bar no.331 was published last week.


We will have 2 coaches for Orient leaving at 0600 £53 pp.

On an away SLO note along with 2 other Carlisle fans I met members of David Wilkes family at Barnsley last week and several will be attending the return fixture. I have a framed home shirt I would like to present on the night to them and we thought it might be good if it was presented from CUSG. I will email more info next week with a picture of it .

Regards the fan behaviour issues CUSAT condemns all such occurrences and we are pleased offenders have been identified for recent incidents.

South Cumbria -

Just over 60 members now.  Coaches taken to Wigan and up to Carlisle for Port Vale game. Sponsored Luke Armstrong. Planning more events in next few weeks.

Warwick Road Enders -

A few words from WRE:

Shame about PVFC goalkeeper abuse - all glad culprits found. Dip in atmosphere, trying best to get it back - acoustics don’t help.

Our social media hasn’t really been used as much recently but it will be more active from now on. Toilets well received by all - great addition to matchday experience.

Noticed stewards have been more active in the last couple of games too, which is good.

Any chance of more bins being actually on the terracing or is this a fire/safety risk?

  1. Any Other Business


  1. Next meeting

March 11

Read Time: 11 mins