CLUB: A New Year message from the Piatak Family

Dear Carlisle United Supporters,

Today we step into a new year with immense excitement and gratitude for the support you've extended to the club.  As the proud new owners of Carlisle United Football Club, we offer our warmest greetings and best wishes to you all for 2024 and beyond.

As we embark on this journey together, we want you all to know that we are fully aware of the responsibilities that come with owning the club. We are determined to honor the legacy of Carlisle United and bring success to this great club.

Historically, there may have been instances where communication left some gaps. We recognise that these moments might have felt like a void, and we want to assure you that our approach is different. Our commitment to transparency and open dialogue is unwavering, and we pledge to keep the lines of communication open.  We embrace the challenges head-on with commitment and resolve to deal with them. We will all be in the Fan Zone again today as usual to see you all and talk to you.

It's crucial for us, as new owners, to acknowledge issues. We are not detached; we see them, and we empathise with the emotions that fans feel.  We understand that the current situation on-the-pitch is tough and testing the patience of our fans. The short-term issues are apparent, we all recognize the current sense of unease.

Your support is the lifeblood of this club, and we want you to know that we value and appreciate it deeply. It is brilliant, shown both home and away – over 50% of our average home crowd turned out at Wigan - a fantastic example.  We can assure you that the Blue Army is being seen and heard by the entire EFL.

Despite the present position, we want to emphasise that the long-term future of Carlisle United is exceptionally bright.  We recognise your extraordinary support. We share your passion for this club and are fully invested in navigating through this challenging period.  We are actively working on the solutions and are committed to bringing improvements with urgency and diligence. This transfer window marks the onset of our efforts to enhance the team. 

Our success in gaining promotion via the playoffs in 22/23, despite past budget constraints, after a very difficult 21/22, was against the odds. It was marked by unity, resilience, grit and determination. We need all those qualities again. Your support is pivotal and played a significant role in our decision to take on this responsibility. We witnessed the incredible support, and all we ask is you to continue rallying behind the team, the players, staff, and new recruits that join us.

We are all united in our commitment to the success of Carlisle United. We will prevail through these challenges, and with your continued support, we will emerge a stronger club.

Thank you for your loyalty, dedication and support.

Here's to a new chapter, a united front, and a bright future for the Blues!

See you at the game today.


The Piatak Family

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