MANAGER: I've got more belief

Manager Paul Simpson spoke to us ahead of tonight’s trip to Burton.

“It's a game that I was looking forward to when we went and it got called off, and felt confident about our preparation,” he said.

“I feel confident going into this one and I’ve certainly got more belief because of the way we went about it on Saturday, but it's about just finding a way to get ourselves a result to get ourselves going.

“I do think we had some real good passages of play on Saturday, so we’ve got to go to Burton and try to stem this rot that is in there. We need a positive performance and any type of positive result to take into Saturday’s game at home.

“We have to find a way of getting results. I thought we went about it in a much better way on Saturday than we did against Cambridge, and that's a massively pleasing thing, and certainly something that we have to continue now for these for these last 13 games.

“We all know the predicament, we all know we're in trouble, serious trouble. But we can't change what's gone in this first round of games, we've just got to go and make sure we finish and get some respect back, play for pride, play as hard as we possibly can.

“We’re playing for pride before anything else. It's professional football - we are professional sports people. And we have to do everything we possibly can, we're not going to shirk that responsibility. We're not going to hide away from it. We've just got to go and do everything we can to get the first result that gives us a chance to build on it.”

Ben Barclay was missing from Saturday’s squad due to an injury picked up against Cambridge, but the gaffer confirmed the diagnosis isn’t too bad: “Ben got a whack on his ankle last weekend so he had some swelling there which meant he wasn’t fit on Saturday.

“We’ve had him scanned and there’s no damage that needs surgery or anything like that . We’re hopeful he’ll join training this week but we’ll just have to see how he goes.

“The scan came back clear and just showed that there was some sort of previous damage there. We're hopeful that it won't be long. He probably won’t be ready for Tuesday, but maybe for the weekend.”

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