MANAGER: It's the right decision

Manager Paul Simpson spoke to us following tonight's postponement at Burton.

“I think you have to agree with it" he said. "Myself and Martin [Paterson] talked about trying to get it on because you always want to do that. We’ve travelled and I’m quite sure all our supporters aren’t far away if they’re not already here.

"It’s never an easy decision to call a game off at this late stage but unfortunately I have to say it’s the right decision. The far side is bad, the middle of the pitch is probably ok, but when you look at this near side it’s even worse.

"If it had stopped raining you’d probably say you would have had a chance, but according to the Met Office it isn’t going to stop raining until 9pm. Reluctantly, I think we’ve just got to accept it and move on. We can’t control the weather.

“I’m gutted for the fans. They’ve done some miles this season and now they’ve done these and it’s been pointless.

"We can bleat about a lot of things that have gone on this season but we can’t do anything about the weather.

"Unfortunately for Burton, their pitch as been diseased and they’ve had to compact it down to try and make it right. There’s just nowhere for the water to go.

"We’ll get home and get ourselves prepared for Saturday knowing we’ve got to come back here another night.

“We’ll still be back late tonight so we’ll just train Thursday and Friday as we’d planned. It’s not ideal, but it’s life and we’ve just got to deal with it.

“We’ve had lots of things thrown at us this season, and we’ve thrown some things at ourself as well, but this is out of our control. We’ve just got to get back, get ready for Saturday and go again."

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