WARNING: Pitch is for players and officials only

We would like to remind everyone that encroachment on the pitch is not permitted at Brunton Park.

Supporters should NOT encroach on or towards the playing area at any time.

The passionate support of fans is a vital part of what makes football so special in this country. It is completely understandable that emotions run high.

However, we must remind supporters that in the interests of safety and wellbeing for everyone inside our stadiums, the pitch is for players, managers and officials, while the stands and terraces are there for fans to support their team.   

We have seen unwelcome situations here at Brunton Park in the recent past when fans entered the field of play without permission.

Even if this is done in celebratory fashion, any supporter who comes onto the pitch is breaking the law and putting the welfare of players, coaches, club staff and fellow fans at risk.

We know that this unacceptable behaviour is carried out by a minority of fans, and their actions do not represent most supporters, but they risk ruining the fantastic experience of a football match for everyone.

It also puts the club under the spotlight with potential fines and/or sanctions raised against after every incident of this kind.

At the start of the 2022/23 season, the Premier League, EFL, NLS Leagues and The FA worked with the Football Supporters’ Association to introduce new measures and stronger sanctions to tackle anti-social and criminal behaviours, such as entering the pitch and the use of pyrotechnics.

This includes automatic club bans and police action, and we have seen cases this summer which have led to fans receiving criminal records.

This can impact employment and education prospects, restrict ability to travel overseas, and could result in a prison sentence.

Club bans can also extend to accompanying parents or guardians of children who take part in this activity.

As we head into another thrilling football season, we want fans to continue to show their positive support, as this can make all the difference, as our players continually talk about.

But our message is clear: fans must stay in the stands and avoid any unnecessary disruption at such a crucial point of the season.

If you have any information on this type of behaviour to report please contact the nearest steward or by phone to our SLO team on 07891 779 015 or by email to: kickitout@carlisleunited.co.uk or slo@carlisleunited.co.uk or edi@carlisleunited.co.uk or enquiries@carlisleunited.co.uk.



Any fan found to be vaping inside the stadium will be asked to hand over the vape to be disposed of or, if not complied with, they face ejection from the stadium.

Any supporter aged under 18 who is found in possession of a vape, either during searching on entry to the stadium or subsequently inside the stadium, will have the vape confiscated and disposed of.

If you fail to comply with our regulations on vaping you will be asked to leave the stadium.

  • If you are under 18 - leave your vapes at home. Do not bring them to Brunton Park, or try to bring them into the stadium.  
  • If you vape, do not do so inside Brunton Park. 
  • If you see an incident, report it by phone or text to [07891 779 015] or tell a steward there and then. Don’t wait. Note the number of the steward you have informed.
  • Be prepared to be searched on entry. Make sure you are prepared to enter the stadium earlier. It will take longer to get in.


SLO Team

SLO team meeters and greeters will be around the stadium to help with any queries. Please stop them and speak to them if you have any issues, or to give feedback. They are there to help you to get the most out of your day.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all.

You can contact the Supporter Liaison Officer on 07891 779 015 or by email at slo@carlisleunited.co.uk. 


Club Charter

If you need any more information about match day at Brunton Park, see our Club Charter HERE

And you can read our Ground Regulations HERE.

Read Time: 4 mins