INTERVIEW: Scoring goals is my job

It’s typical of the man that is Joe Garner that the reaching of some significant recent milestones has been met with an - ah, you just get on with it, don’t you – approach, even though we insist that behind that rather cool façade is someone who is actually quite proud of it all.

500 career appearances, 150 career goals, with 30 of those finishes netted in a United shirt, are landmarks well worth repeating, particularly when you consider that there’s more to come from the ever-reliable front man.

“I am proud to have scored so many goals and played so many games, but I just enjoy it and keep going,” he told us. “It’s all about going to Lincoln at the weekend now.

“You just get on with it, don’t you. You just keep going. I’m really enjoying my football at the moment, I’m enjoying the place and I’m even happier that we’ve picked up a few points over the last couple of weeks.

“We seem to be going the right way. When I score I’m just happy for the lads, really. We’ve worked hard all the way through pre-season and we probably should have a few more points than we actually do have.

“I’m just happy to have got some good results over the last two games and to have contributed by scoring.”

Just as we got into the flow of the interview there was a now expected interruption from Jack Armer, who reminded us that spirits in the dressing room are still high.

“We’ve taken those four points so it’s good for everybody,” he explained. “We seem to be going the right way, the football club seems to be going the right way, and we’re all putting the work in every day out on the training ground.

“We want to get better so that’s what we’ll keep doing. Hopefully that will mean that we keep picking up points.

“To be fair, I don’t think we’ve been far off all season. We’ve been playing well, we’ve been in every game, and there’s been some good football from us. All we can do is keep going, keep ticking them off, and keep that hard work going.

“For me I just keep getting into good positions because I know we’ve got some good players in there. It does take time for new lads to gel completely and to work out how each other plays, with people’s strengths and weaknesses, but that’s why we have to keep working hard until we get there.”

On goal number 150 at Stevenage last Saturday, he commented: “I had a little look at the linesman after I got to the header and I saw his flag go up, and I think the keeper dived a bit backwards, so it was always going to be over the line.

“We took a good following at the weekend so it was good to get it right in front of them. We always get numbers away from home wherever we are.

“It’s quite a journey to Stevenage so we were happy to send them home with something. They were a strong side, very physical, so there’s a few bumps and bruises after a game like that.

“It’ll be the same at Lincoln, another tough game, and hopefully we’ll have more points to add to the tally.”

With a fifth of his career goals having been played out with the Blues, he pointed out that the goal that really sticks out was during the 3-1 home win over Leeds back in November 2007.

It was a beauty of a finish that put the home team in front with just over 20 minutes left to play, setting them on the way to a well-deserved three points.

“I got a header down the far side and it was great to see it go in, because it was a tight game,” he said. “That’s probably my best Carlisle memory.

“Scoring goals is my job though, isn’t it. I set out to get as many as I can and I just want to keep going and enjoying it.

“I suppose 550 appearances isn’t bad, with a couple of shocking injuries along the way. It is what it is, isn’t it. It’s all part and parcel of it.

“You get injured, you get on with it, as long as the team is picking up points that’s the name of the game.

“Obviously it’s a good number but it really is about keeping on doing what you do. That’s the important thing.

“I’ve played for some big clubs, I’ve got some great memories and met some fantastic people, so I’ll just keep going – and have a laugh while we’re doing it.”

“I feel ok at the moment, so I want to keep going,” he continued. “I’m 35 now so I don’t suppose I have years left, but we’ll see.

“While I’m still enjoying it and smiling every week I’ll keep helping the team as much as I can.

“I do think I can help a lot of the young lads in there, those lads who are coming through, and I quite enjoy doing that type of thing, to be fair.

“I used to speak to JK Gordon a lot last year, he had little spells out of the team, and we managed to get promoted by all helping each other through.

“When I came here I spoke about the fact I wanted to help the team to try to get back to the top end of League One. That’s where I left it after the last time, so hopefully by the end of the year we’ll be not too far off.

“I love the club, I love the fans, love the town, so it all is what it is. I’ll just keep going, see how we get on.”

Read Time: 5 mins