YOUTH: It's all about finding a way to win

We caught up with youth boss Mark Birch after the Cumberland Cup victory over Aspatria on Wednesday night.

"The main thing is when you come to places like this it’s all about finding a way to win. It’s tough for the young lads but a great experience to come here and play in front of a few people as well - these are the kind of experiences the lads need to kick on.

"These games are a different kind of experience. Physically it’s always going to be tough but you’ve got to find what your strength is and try and combat it. We did that, especially in the second half. 

"Our results haven’t been the way we've wanted and sometimes heads can go down but tonight, we kept that belief. The first goal we scored was probably a bit scrappy, but in the second half we were quite clinical in front of goal and took our chances well.

"The Cumberland Cup is a competition I really like. There were a couple of hundred here tonight, maybe more, and there was a good atmosphere. Yes, we’re playing at a rugby club, but you have to say that Aspatria went about it in the right way. They made a really competitive game of it without it being anything underhand, and fair play to them as well.

"When we went behind it gave the place a bit of life, and gave the locals here a bit of hope. They took the opportunity and gave us something to work at. But our lads were fantastic, they kept going, kept to the job, they didn’t panic, and when we got the opportunities near the end, they took them well."

And on Dan Hopper who came off the bench and scored twice in the second half, he said: "I think Dan deserves that because of the way he’s gone about his training. It took him a bit of time to settle into the group, but he has got so much ability.

"We’ve just got to find a way of him believing in himself, because that’s what he does every day in training. When he really finds his place he could be a really good player. Hopefully tonight will be the springboard for him to kick on."

Hopper replaced Jake Allan who had to come off with a head injury, and Birch gave an update on the midfielder: "He’s got a bit of a sore head. He’s in there now but we’ll see how he is. I’ll leave that to Helen [Mathie] and hopefully it’s not too bad." 

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