MATCH DAY INFO: Groups and special guests for Saturday

Information for Saturday's game.

This weekend we have Jeff Thorpe as our guest in the Legends and Raw Lounges.

Jeff will be talking to our partners and sponsors, and answering their questions ahead of the game. 

Please do stop him and say hello if you see him – he’ll be happy to talk all things Carlisle United.


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Maryport Rescue will be with us on Saturday doing a chairty bucket collection.

Through tireless efforts with fundraising, the charity now has two lifeboats for at sea rescues, two emergency rescue boats for inshore, swift water and flood, two land rovers, one incident control vehicle and the latest addition of a drone which has already proved crucial to rescue situations.

However, the charity is self-funded not for profit service with no formal links to any other organisation and has to rely on donations from members of the pubic and businesses to stay afloat(sorry for the pun)! It costs the charity £40,000 a year in operating costs which are always rising.

We hope that you will support this amazing charity and the wonderful volunteers in any way you can, so that they can continue to flourish and enable all the voluntary crew to continue to play a vital part in safety for all.

Click HERE for more information. 


Crossbar Challenge - sponsored by Penny Blue Bar & Restaurant at The Halston

A massive thank you goes to the Penny Blue Bar & Restaurant who are the official sponsors of our half-time Crossbar Challenge!

The Penny Blue is an established restaurant in the heart of Carlisle at one of the city's best hotels - housed in the old Post Office building. 

Click HERE to find out more about the menu and how to book a place. 

Make sure you cheer our Crossbar Challengers on - if they hit the bar they'll be getting a £20 voucher which can be redeemed in either the Penny Blue Bar & Restaurant or Bartons Yard Cafe Bar.


On Saturday we welcome guests from the following:

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The Cumberland Community Ticket Scheme:

Warwick Wanderers Lionesses U12’s
Dalston Juniors Girls U10’s
Warwick Wanderers U13’s Panthers
AFC Carlisle U7’s
North Bank U10’s
Whitehaven U13’s

Play on the Pitch:

Cockermouth Juniors Barca U10’s v Cockermouth U10’s Athletico

Guard of Honour:

Cockermouth U10’s Athletico

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