MANAGER: We've just got to try and handle it

Manager Paul Simpson confirmed that goalkeeper Jokull Andresson is the latest player to add to the injury list after he suffered a shoulder injury in training on Monday.

“We’re waiting to see on Jokull because there’s a possibility he dislocated his shoulder in training on Monday,” he commented. “We don’t know how bad that is yet, he’s had a scan today and we’re waiting for the results on that.

“From Chris’ and the doc’s assessment and diagnosis, it looked like he’s popped his shoulder. I don’t know how severe that is, whether it’s a similar thing to what JJ did, we’ll wait and see on that one.”

“Fin has got a tear on his rec fem on his quad and I think I’m right in saying that he isn’t going to be fit before the end of January,” he confirmed. “He’s gone back to Forest for the early stages of his rehab. Jack Ellis is starting to get back on the grass, but he’s another couple of weeks away I would imagine.

“Hunts and Taylor have both had their results back from their scans. We’re looking at 5-6 weeks for both of them. Although Taylor’s is on his other hamstring now, it’s not a reoccurrence, we’re just going to treat him really carefully so we get that right. Hunts is another strain on the calf below his previous scar tissue. It’s not a reoccurrence but it’s around the same area so we’re going to have to be conservative with that.

“Sean Maguire was missing tonight because he’s picked up this sickness bug which is going around. He started being sick yesterday afternoon and has carried on today, we weren’t prepared to risk bringing him into the group, it’s obviously something going around because Mark Birch has been off a couple of days, Corey Whelan had it last week, I think somebody else had it the week before so there’s something going around. 

“Someone fell on Mox right at the end of the game on Saturday and caught him with his studs on his thigh and his calf. He’s got two dead legs, one calf and one thigh, so we couldn’t risk that tonight because he’s struggling to walk at the moment. I expect him and Sean to both be fine for the Charlton game.

“Jack Armer is fine. I think they’re going to stitch his head after the game, on the pitch they just glued it. He knew straight away, he had a gash on his eyebrow so it won’t affect his looks or help him in any way. He’ll be fine, he wanted to carry on and there was no concussion or dizziness or anything, he just caught the back of the head of the other lad. I think everyone else has come through unscathed. I was hoping that Dylan and Joe could give us 60 or 70 minutes and they did that. Corey got a bit of a whack on his calf but I think he’s ok. We’re going to have to nurse them through because we’ve got tough times at the moment with the injuries we’ve got.  

“Apart from that, and from tired legs, I don’t think there was anything else. 

“It’s a bit like a battlefield in our emergency ward at the ground but these are things we’ve just got to deal with. We’re not the only club with them, I look up and down the country and everybody is talking about this probably being the worst season for injuries. We’ve just got to try and handle it as well as we can. We’ve just got to go with what we’ve got. We are trying to get free agents in, it’s just not very easy. We keep working and see whether anything changes.”

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