CLUB: Media Officer moves on

The club can confirm long serving Media Officer Andy Hall has decided to move on from the club.

Andy joined the club as Kitman in 2009 after distinguished career as a decorated Army serviceman. He then moved on to the media role which he fulfilled ever since.

In that time, club media output has totally transformed and is unrecognisable from a decade ago. Andy led the department through all those changes, especially the emergence of social media and into the era of video based, interactive content across many platforms. We all wish him well for the future.

Chairman Andrew Jenkins said: “I would personally like to thank Andy for his professional attitude and reliability whenever I had to comment on any subject, especially when we lost someone, his words always were very good.”

Director of External Affairs and former Managing Director of the club John Nixon also paid tribute to Andy: “I can recall employing Andy, it was a new career for him so we both had some trepidation. I need not have worried as he took to it like a “duck to water”. He’s done a great job over the years covering stories and incidents 24 hours a day, he’ll be a big miss. Thanks for everything Andy and good luck on the next part of your career.”

Long serving club director Steven Pattison added: “I would like to place on record the sterling work Andy has done in keeping all Carlisle fans up to date on club issues wherever possible and wish him well in his new venture, whatever that may be.”

Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens said: “Andy has been a loyal and excellent member of staff for many years. He has given his all for the club. We are disappointed and sorry that Andy has chosen to move on, but we respect his decision and wish him all the best for the future. He made his decision a while ago and has steadfastly stuck to it. He is a private person who never sought the limelight for himself, but worked tirelessly behind the scenes. He asked to go without any big fanfare and reluctantly we agreed, but even so now, although he has left the club, it’s important we record our thanks for his contribution over many years.”

The club will now be looking to appoint someone to take us forward into the next chapter. Click HERE for more information.

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