MANAGER: Everybody is pulling together

Fans giving up their time to paint the Warwick, match day marches from the town centre, a call to action to have the Waterworks bedecked in flags, the local paper sparking a Back the Blues campaign, and interest going through the roof in almost everything the club does – that’s just what the doctor ordered, isn’t it!

“It’s brilliant to see and it’s what I wanted when I came back here in February,” manager Paul Simpson said. “I could tell back then that there was a real disconnect with everybody, there were factions everywhere and there were different pockets of criticism.

“We’ve now got a really united football club and we have to do everything we can to embrace it, keep it and build on it.

“Thanks to Jon Colman and the News & Star for their campaign. It’s brilliant that everybody's doing that. We all heard about the young lads who came and painted the Warwick.

“I heard about the march down to the ground last weekend and all of these appeals that went out for getting banners up, and that’s absolutely brilliant. What we've got to do is make sure that we do that support justice.

“We've got to go and do our job properly and everybody else is pulling together, which is what I asked for, and I hoped for, last February when I came back in. Now we're 12 months down the line we're really getting a huge swell of positive support and I want to keep it.

“I want it to be even stronger and the only way that we can affect that is by performing, by getting results, by staying second in the table and giving ourselves a chance of finishing the season strongly.”

“That means that if we do push on, we’ll be doing it together,” he continued. “But I do actually think there’s no point worrying about whether or not it will be at the moment, there are too many things that can happen over the coming weeks.

“This has been a brilliant come back from where we were, and whatever happens we’ve got to make sure we keep being in a better place than we were last February.

“People back then were spending their hard earned money to shout at people from the terraces, it’s much better to come and give your support, to get a good feeling about it. We all know what a good feeling there is in the city when the team are doing well, and that’s what I like to hear, and I’d like it to continue for a long, long time.

“On the pitch we’ve talked all season about giving ourselves a platform to go into the run-in and we've certainly given ourselves a good platform, and we're in a good place.

“The players are playing with real confidence and belief in themselves and in each other. We need to keep pushing on and I really do believe that the team that has the most consistent run of wins will be the team that comes into the top places and gets out of this league.”

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