CLUB: United score high marks for Fan Engagement

We are again delighted to report that Carlisle United has been ranked near the top of the latest independent rankings within the English professional game when it comes to fan engagement.

By clicking HERE you will see that independent analysis and review in the latest Fan Engagement Index, from Think Fan Engagement, ranks the club second out of 92.  We ranked in third place last year.

The index is valuable in terms of raising standards across the game and shining a light on what clubs do. It allows fans to assess their own club. It also highlights the fantastic work that goes on in many clubs across the country and the game.

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “Our consistent success in ‘fan engagement’ compared with other clubs is proven again by this independent assessment. 

"Working closely with our fans is something I have championed and pursued ever since I joined the club in 2016, and even before I came to Brunton Park. In my view it makes the club better - it’s that simple. It’s the right thing to do.

"It’s very pleasing to be at the top of this table again, as we have been every year of the index. It shows the work we do to engage with our fans, and the processes we have in place, continue to improve and are keeping up with best practice.

“It takes time and effort to gain trust with fans – it has to be earned. Fan engagement takes passion and perseverance, especially when time and money is scarce, or fans are sceptical. If you try and 'fake it' and try to 'fool' fans you will be found out very quickly. Fans see through fake efforts to 'tick boxes' or pay 'lip service'.

“Engagement can look easy when times are good, but it's critical clubs and individuals don’t hide, withdraw or step back in the difficult times – otherwise credibility and fan trust can be lost and the damage can be irreparable.

"Fans see through that approach and don’t forget it. When things are difficult, whether on or off the field, engagement with fans must actually get stronger and deeper, to face up to the challenges. In my view, if you do that, fans recognise and appreciate it, and it improves the situation. It’s precisely the time when it’s most valuable. 

“There is no sense of complacency, and we are continuously looking to improve. I have said before there is no escaping the fact we have our own challenges in certain areas to face up to. I accept fans want more from the individual shareholders and CUOSC, and from certain directors.

“Most clubs are also raising the bar, so to remain at the forefront is something to be proud of, as it shows us to be ‘up with the best’ in what we do, and in how we tailor our approach.

“The work we do, and that at a number of other clubs, shows what can be achieved - it’s not about money or size of club, we show that, it’s about intent and genuine individual and club commitment. I firmly believe fan engagement is not something to be frightened of, or that it’s just for the ‘smaller’ clubs. It’s actually more difficult for us. For bigger clubs the benefits are far, far greater - and much easier to attain with the resources they have. 

“To get recognition from an independent review for the hard work being carried out by so many people connected to this club shows we are on the right track. Lots of fans and staff play a part, so thanks to them. We are really grateful to the many fans who work with us in such a positive way to make a difference."

SLO Simon Clarkson said: “These results are a tremendous reflection of the collaborative effort by all concerned at Carlisle United. It makes all the hard work worthwhile. Looking back on what we collectively have achieved in the post Covid period makes me proud, and our fans should be too.

"Fans have engaged positively, been receptive to ideas like the fan zone, painting the WRE and other projects at the ground, all of which have improved the match day experience. I have always said we were on a journey, and we will keep pushing the boundaries to make the club as good as it can be.

"Off-the-field initiatives sometimes get overlooked but for me they make such a positive difference and I look forward to continuing to work with the fans going forward.”

CUOSC 1921 board director Nigel Davidson said: “It’s fantastic the club has achieved second place in the Fan Engagement Index for a second time. This achievement demonstrates all the hard work undertaken by the club with the help of supporters, the supporter’s trust, all the other supporter groups. 

"Many other clubs are starting to do more work in this area so it’s not possible for Carlisle United to become complacent, we must continue to improve and add to the great engagement work being undertaken already.

“First place once again goes deservedly to Exeter City, which is a fan engagement model second to none in the EFL/Premier League and must be something that we at Carlisle United aspire to. I’m sure that all the work we have done so far in the 2022/23 season will bring us closer to that goal in next year’s index. 

“Engagement is a two-way street and is not just down to the club. Supporters contribute massively and also the great work undertaken by Simon Clarkson and the SLO team has also added to the success and the emergence of the Fanzone in 21/22, which has been hugely successful and continues to grow.”

For more details about our approach, see below.









Exeter City

League Two






Carlisle United

League Two






AFC Wimbledon

League One






Cambridge United

League One






Lincoln City

League One






Doncaster Rovers

League One






Newport County

League Two






Norwich City

Premier League






Bradford City

League Two












The club’s approach 

Working together with our fans gives those of us running our club better insight and connection with supporters. We are clear about what we are doing.

Click HERE to see our policy on fan engagement. 

It gives us an opportunity to get alternative views, perspectives and ideas when making judgements and decisions - from simple operational matters to the big issues discussed at the boardroom table. 

It also helps fans better understand the things the club does, the decisions we take, how things work (and why) and how we formulate our plans. They all know the issues we face, all open, transparent and with detail. Our approach to sharing information about the club’s finances and our challenges is a great example.

Click HERE to see that part of our approach.

That all comes together to make the club stronger and more united. 

Individual fans do come in and speak to us. They also contact CUOSC, CUSG and the SLO regularly. There is a fan panel – CUSG – which means that fan voices are at the heart of the club all the time. 

Many fans contact the club direct. On match days staff are visible and with fans. Fans tell us what they think and what their issues are. That’s part of the job. The door is open. With fan directors on the club’s boards, and a brilliant SLO in Simon Clarkson, they all make a difference.

Last year we have developed further - for example:

  • Introducing the monthly detailed written CEO update reports which are published on the website HERE
  • Undertaking a series of projects, which have been led by fans via the Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups, and SLO Simon Clarkson. Examples are HERE, HERE and HERE.

We are honest and clear in saying we won’t and can’t do all the things every fan wants us to do, or that we can do things when fans want it, but the fan voice is always heard loud and clear, and not ignored - I promise that will continue while I am here at the club.

We don’t always get everything right – but when we don’t we will always front up and explain.

We are realistic that we have issues, despite doing so well in many areas. We always need to do more, and I understand some fans still feel frustrated at what we don’t do.

We have a fans’ forum coming up in early April and I’m sure that will be another positive and worthwhile event. 

It’s a joint process working together with fans that needs to make a difference.

Fan engagement has to be a two-way exchange, working together with fans. It must be personal and genuine from those inside the club.

The risk is that fan engagement becomes simply fans ‘telling clubs’ and clubs appearing to ‘hear’ when in reality they’re not listening or responding.

We believe engagement must lead to real and visible, positive changes within the club, and in how it operates, to be worthwhile. Another risk is that fan engagement becomes simply ‘talking’ whether that’s in decision making or the initiatives we do - it’s essential. 

We haven’t got all the answers, but we are striving hard to make our club better. That’s why it makes sense to us to seek help and input from people who also want to see us get better - the fans! Our supporters want us to be the best we can be. We know the club means absolutely everything to them. 

Looking ahead

The White Paper on Reforming Club Football Governance states clubs will need to satisfy the new Regulator that they have appropriate mechanisms in place of considering the interests of fans on key decisions. Clubs will need to show that they are regularly consulting a representative group of fans on key strategic matters at the club.

The new Regulator will set a minimum standard of fan engagement as part of its licensing regime. At Carlisle United we are already very well placed and fully support this approach. 

We are seeing more and more fans wanting to get involved in many different ways, and there are a lot of opportunities to do so. For example, for fans interested in area such as; Green issues and climate, Disabled issues, Her Game Too and EDI. Please get in touch if you want to join in. 

We want to have the best level of fan engagement we can achieve. The club remains fully committed to being inclusive, open and welcoming.

We will continue to listen and engage with as many fans as we can, with all the diverse opinions and views that go with it. We want more fans involved.

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