LIVE BLOG: Fans' Forum

A summary of the Tuesday night forum is here ...


  • A summary of the forum held on Tuesday 27 June is here ...


All set up and ready to go ...



Welcome to tonight's coverage - we'll be bringing a written summary of what gets asked right here. Panel is Suzanne Kidd, Paul Simpson, Billy Atkinson, John Nixon and Nigel Clibbens.


Intro from host Adrian Bell - round of applause for his mention of promotion!


We've just announced that we've managed to secure the signing of Alfie McCalmont. I know there's panic, but we are working away. They do take time, lots going on, but they don't just happen with the click of fingers. Two young, hungry players with development to do. This is their stage to do that


Q - Players we've got that the camaraderie is there and they're ready?



Haven't seen them yet. Looking forward to that tomorrow. There are players we asked to leave, players we asked to stay, we got on with it when they don't. Looking to get a group together that's ready for this challenge. I'm looking forward to that and we have to do everything we can to make it a brilliant season.


Q - Feeney and Patrick?


None. I'm not expecting Omari, it's a strange one, he wanted me to guarantee that he would play as a winger. I won't ever guarantee that. With the shape it can change, so I can't guarantee it. I asked if he had a club who would give him that - he said no. But he wants to go. Morgan - we've been talking to him since last summer, we made an offer, he wanted more. He now wants to see what else there is, even though I gave him a 7 day deadline. As far as I'm aware he hasn't had any offers, but from what I'm hearing he doesn't want to come back. We're exploring other defensive options.


Q - digital advertising around the ground?


I spoke to some guys I know at Exeter, with that in mind. I have a quote on my desk ready to do that and when funding is available we can look at it. At the moment there isn't any, so we can't pursue that just yet.


Q - reported that L2 budget was in bottom quartile, what plans are there to achieve a similar ranking this season?


Public record that was the case, in reality we were fourth lowest. That gives perspective on how well we've done as a football club. Well done Paul for doing that with that funding. In L1 it's on a different scale, multiples of what we spent last year and what we will be able to spend this year. Extra £550k in distributions from EFL and PL, everything else we generate ourselves. Ticket sales, etc, help, but there are extra running costs being in L1. Travel, power, they go up, and insurance for players is going up £75k. We do our best to give as much money as we can to Paul, but we will run at a significant loss this season, and we have to fund that from players sales, as always. To have cash in bank in these circumstances is good, but it shows we need the support of everybody. It's difficult, but we're totally committed to it and we think we can do it.


Everyone gets screwed up about budgets, asks the question, but nobody knows what budgets are for other clubs. I knew I was coming into this when i came here last February, I'm fine with it, I can deal with it. What that means is we have to wheel and deal. I offer X, a player asks for XXX, then in a couple of weeks they might come back and ask for XX. That's why we have to be patient. We'll do everything we can to be successful but we won't fleece this club. Whenever I get run out of town I don't want people saying that I've ruined the club and that I'm a clown. We've had clubs like Leeds, Boro, Forest, Palace all help us last season, and maybe we can get that again.


Q - update to training facilities ... issue bonds like other clubs?


We continue to look for training facilities, we're trying to be creative, but it is tough. The main effort is going into sorting out the extra pitch at the back of the Pioneer Stand. That's going well, looking to seed it this month. On the more radical stuff - a proper training facility remains a way off. Bonds - I've been watching this for a while, and what they actually are is loans from fans. It's clubs going to fans and saying - give us some of your money for us to spend. The thing is, they're loans, and they have to be paid back. What you get is that fans invest, institutions invest, and it becomes a financial deal. Will that work at this club? I'm not too sure. If I said I have a great proposition, lend us money, I'm not certain that would fly here. You have to have stability in your ownership for a long time because these bonds last for years. I don't think it would work here.


Q - Purepay?


Yes, although I don't know if you'll think it's significant. We're now engaging with them, face to face, from just prior to Wembley. We had letters sent to them from the chairman, and from Nigel, and we've been in contact with them from just before Wembley. It isn't easy, but we will keep talking. We've also had an update on the legal situation, so we know who we are dealing with. P Day sits outside of that, he isn't involved legally, so we know the two directors we're dealing with ... and one of them is a director of CUFC so he's conflicted. We had a meeting with JJ off site, because of that conflict. It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you've been dealing with Purepay, EWM, etc, this is a step forward.


Q - clubs rumoured to be winding up?


I can't comment, because I was involved as an EFL board member. The EFL has made rules and regulations much tighter to prevent these things, but some clubs are struggling. I don't know if any will go to the wall, nobody wants to see it, and that's why the Fan-Led review was vital. It isn't just a football club that goes out of business, it's the community asset. The review means we're trying to create much more stable clubs. That can only be good. 


Q - We've seen the club has a really widespread fanbase, what does the club do to harness it. Smaller type local forms be held?


Great idea. Been in contact with fans in Kendal, once they're up and running we'll go there. What we have to do as a football club is make the match day experience better, so that fans come earlier and stay. We'll do what we can.


We've done them out west years ago, and they were successful. It's definitely a good idea.


Club deserves great credit for what they started to do last year in the Fan Zone. We need more of that, people need to come earlier, it's great if they can. Catering is better than it has been for a long time, other areas around the stadium we can expand into if finances allow.


Q - Fan Zone, best idea, but not so good in January when it's raining. They'll go to pubs in town?


Fair point. We look very closely at how the Fan Zone does every week. Two games last season where the zone was a washout. Rest of the time it thrived. Point about roof is a fair one, but it's about money. We have a lot of projects we want to do but we have to prioritise. Right now we're spending money on a new container, more seating, things to make it better. We have pressures to deliver on training facilities, toilets, the list is very long. That comes down to us and we have to make tough choices. We'd love to do them all, but we can't. That's why it sometimes takes a bit longer to get there. If anyone wants to come and build a roof, text me now, we'll talk.


Q Difference between L1 and L2?


For the players it's more money! Serioiusly, it's a step up in quality. I haven't counted but I'm sure there'll be a number of ex-PL teams in there. It's a challenge we just want to throw ourselves in to. I don't think it's too different to L2 because there were a lot of different styles in L2. I think we might see more teams try to play out from the back, and we used to set a trap for that so we could get them to do it and we could steal the ball. I think teams will be better at it this season. I still want us to be front foot - I want us to be energetic, but we have to accept that the step up in level will beat our press more than it did last year. That's a challenge we're looking to take on.


Q - WRE roof so we can make acoustics better?


What I will say is that you've already done a fantastic job. We've talked a lot, you've been brilliant. I believe this club has lost a generation. Lots of boys and girls who have grown up and haven't experienced what we've just seen this season. To see you guys back and doing what you're doing is fantastic. We'll help as much as we can. Doing the roof might be a bit too far. The way you've taken ownership has come from you, it's great, and we'll do everything we can to help you to make it better. Often young fans trying to make an atmosphere get a bad rap. When there's missiles or flares they all get tarred. This is a group that wants to do it right - thank you.


Q - Any enquiries about contracted players?


Easy, no.


Q - If kids don't come regularly, will season tickets be withdrawn?


Had trouble in the past where people have got an U7 ticket just to have a free seat beside them. In cases like yours, please give us a ring and we know we can save that seat, or resell it if you say that it won't be used. Let us know on the day of the game. As long as we know that it's genuine we'll save the seat.


Q - When is Simmo getting a statue?


Save the money for a player! What I will say is that I put myself on a media blackout when I said those things about the referee. Somebody set up a crowd funding page to pay the fine - I immediately asked for it to be taken down.Thank you, but that was my bad, I had to pay it.


Q - Mox 5-year deal?


As with other players we are talking about these things all the time.


Q - Who is responsible for that bonkers away kit?


I think both kits are fantastic. Home kit has gone viral because of the retro look - it's been voted top kit for the summer. That's superb. Gone back to the colour the supporters wanted. Credit to everyone.


As of now, sold almost 3,000 in adult and junior shirts. Just 905 this time last year, that's phenomenal. Order in, hopefully more in soon.


Q - Harrogate, can't seem to beat them, any thoughts on how to beat them?


Always have a view that you can't keep losing, it has to end some time. I'll be honest, I wasn't too pleased with the draw, but it's a good game to look forward to. 


Q - Pitch - before it's ripped up, fans allowed to have a big picnic day at Fulham. Can we do that, or can we buy bits of the pitch?


We talked about it, so it's something we will look at next year if we aren't at Wembley again! Pitch selling, not averse to that, but again we need time to plan it. 

I don't think the pitch is scooped up, it's just killed, rubbish taken off the top, so it isn't a case of being able to buy a slice of turf. We'd need to look into it.


Q - What was Wembley experience like?


Magnificent. Not sure I've had that in football before. To actually be at Wembley as an England fan, and to win it, it's incredible. To stand back and watch everybody, the players and the crowd, absolutely brilliant and it'll stay with me for a long time.


Q - How many more roughly you want in?


Had it in my mind that I'd need about 10, but to be really honest I didn't think that I'd be looking for a L1 squad. I still think we need eight or nine. I used 28 last year, I want a smaller, tighter squad this time. Don't want to use that many. I want a little bit more experience to come in, we're working on that, and I want young and hungry as well. Short answer is that I think we need six or seven on top of the two we've just added.


Q - keeper coach?


Thought we'd agreed with Gez, but he decided to move on. As of tomorrow we have Simon Smith in  short-term, he's retiring. I do have a replacement coming in who has to work his notice, who I am really pleased with. It's taken care of, and I'm pleased that we've done it so quickly.


To clarify, Simon Smith will be with us for the next month, then the replacement I have lined up will come in, and I'm really pleased that we've managed to sort both of these lads out, they're really good people.


Q - Season ticket sales?


2,667 at the moment, up by 21%, which is great. Online sales for tickets up 30%, a 50% improvement on where we were a year ago. It's a much better ticket system - cup tickets can be purchased online. It's little steps forward that will make things easier. Your account on your phone will allow you to click and show your ticket.


Q - Hamstring injuries - found reason why?


It was an exceptionally high season but, to be honest, it was in terms of all injuries. The insurance has gone up because we absolutely smashed it last season with the shocking time we had with bad injuries. We have looked into it, Chris the physio did that, and over the whole of Europe there was a 30 odd percent increase in hamstrings. We've looked at everything - train travel is a solution but a problem with getting back to Carlisle - the last deprture is 6.30pm, which is no good. We're trying to weigh up the benefit of going down on a train, we did that for the Sutton game and the players did feel the benefit. It comes down to costs, because the bus still has to come down to meet us, so it's extra cost. We're talking to Avanti about it. Hopefully next season we won't have as many injuries to contend with. At times we were down to 65% player availability, then we got to back to 90. Amazingly we had 100% availability for Wembley!


Last season we lost 25% of available minutes across the whole season for injuries. We need to get that lower, because it's up 50% on a normal season. 

We're looking at how we're screening them, matchday plus two, to see how they've slept, flexibility, how they are, and they'll be monitored closely. We're looking to improve our performance department to help, and that's something else we'll look to achieve over time. Players may be required to sit out depending on that monitoring.



Q - Waterworks?


No plans to give it to away fans at this point. We'd love to be able to have it open for CUFC fans every game. That's a challenge to you guys - get here and get it full. It's great, positive for the players, let's see it packed with fans every week. 


Q - Last time you left for Preston, said you'd taken it as far as you could, how far can we go this time?


I never said that, someone else must have. I'm at a different stage now contractually and in terms of my career this time, and I can tell you this is where I want to be. I don't honestly know where this club can go. My aim this time is to make sure we stay in L1. I know what points total we need, and as soon as we get there, we can then look at the next stage.


On facilities, nothing different to L2, so no real things to do. 


Bigger clubs in L1 are richer because of teams that have been in the PL. Last season budgets were anything between 11m and 2 or 3m - such a massive gulf between the diferent teams. Don't think it was that noticeable in 2006, but it is now.


Q - Could club organise stadium tours?


In the past, on open days pre-Covid, that included stadium tours. We do them on a match day for sponsors, they see behind the scenes, during the week it's hard to give tours. Certainly incorporating them in a fun day is something we can do.


Q - Branthwaite, Trafford, Henderson? 


Yes, each one is different. I can't legally say what the %s are, but we do have them. Branthwaite was done as a normal transfer, cash up front and due for a profit share. Trafford went under EPPP, requirements determined around that, specific rules and %s, so small % from him. Henderson done prior to EPPP, so small % there. Other than probably Jarrad, the cash we could earn from those keeper deals is not going to be transformational for this club. Even big budget millions, it'll be welcome, but it isn't going to give us a mountain of cash. Also, the amount we get is based on profit from the deal. We've already had payments for Hendo playing for MUFC, so we have to see profit for them first, and we get a share of that. The other thing is that you get paid when the seller gets paid, so that's a delay as well. It will be welcome but, like I say, nobody here is dreaming of the sales of Henderson or Trafford.


Q - TV deal. Half games kick off away from 3pm Saturday?


We've had absolutely no input as fans. It's done at EFL level and we have to live with it. We'd all prefer it to kick off at 3pm but it's the economic facts of life. We need all the income we can get, and the TV deal helps that.


Some differences, but not many at L1  and L2. Last deal put Championship behind red button, that will be the case for L1 and L2 going forward. It means that iFollow will stop, which is significant. Four games over the weekend will kick off away from 3pm on Saturday. Some games might move to Thursday. Not so good for fans, or commercially, but it does give us substantially more money. Also more exposure on Sky channels for sponsors. iFollow 6 or 700 watching, but it could be 100,000 on Sky. Details being thrashed out now. I thought it was a good deal, and we stick with article 48 that says no matches streamed at 3pm on a Saturday at all. We could have voted for that, but it could have been disastrous. We have more money for each individual club - brilliant - and I'm sure Sky are expecting more subscribers off it as well. 


Adrian has thanked the fans, and the panel, accompanied by a round of applause.

Over £900 raised on the raffle, that goes to CUSG for their use.

Thank you for following us tonight - pop over to our YouTube channel to watch the forum in full. 

Players are back on Wednesday - wooohoooooo :).


Here are the raffle winners ...

Read Time: 17 mins