CEO: You've already done a fantastic job

One of the questions raised at the Forum earlier this week [by Sonny Kirkwood] was about what the club can do to help with the excellent work already being done by the young fans in the Warwick Road End, with last season’s initiatives with flags, banners and pre-match marches just some of the positive steps already taken.

The query raised related specifically to improving the acoustics at the iconic cattle-shed roof end of the stadium.

“What I will say is that you've already done a fantastic job,” chief executive Nigel Clibbens said. “We've talked a lot over the last few months about your ideas and you've been brilliant.

“We needed to see it because I actually believe that this club has lost a generation. Lots of boys and girls have grown up in this city and they haven't experienced what we've just seen this season.

“To see you guys back with us and doing what you're doing is fantastic, and we'll help as much as we can, but doing the roof might be a bit too far.

“The way you've taken ownership of all of these initiatives has come from you, it's great, and we'll do everything we can to help you to make it better.

“Often young fans trying to make an atmosphere get a bad rap. When there's missiles or flares they all get tarred. This is a group that wants to do it right - thank you.”

The return of home fans to the Waterworks terracing was also a popular move – with supporters seeking assurance that the larger League One away followings won’t lead to that section being given over to the visiting fans.

“There are no plans to give that end of the ground to away fans at this point,” he said. “But I will caveat by saying, at this point.

“We'd love to be able to have it open for Carlisle United fans every game. So that's a challenge to you guys - get here and get it full.

“We saw when we did it last season that it's great, really positive for the players, so let's see it packed with our fans every week.”

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