MANAGER: Things we're pushing to try to get

The plates are still spinning as United continue to look for new faces to add to the squad ahead of the new season, with manager Paul Simpson confirming this week that he’d ideally like to add another to the six already captured.

“We’re certainly looking to bring players in,” he said. “I’m still of the view that I want four more and that’s what I’ll continue to look to do. Hopefully we’ll have them here before we start in August.

“I can’t honestly tell you how close we are right now though. I’ve been close before and it’s fallen flat on its backside, and I’ve been far away and then suddenly something has happened within 12 hours. Who knows!”

“We have things that we’re pushing to try and get,” he added. “We’re still being guided by Premier League clubs on four players for loans, so I’m waiting on that. We’ll see how many of those we can do.

“We’ve got another position where we’ve put an offer in for a player, but I don’t know where we’re at with that right now.

“This morning [Tuesday] I would have said we weren’t close, but it’s now nearly 2 o’clock after the Livingston game so might be closer than we were.

“We just have to keep going and waiting to see what it brings.”

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