MANAGER: Mox is a major doubt

Manager Paul Simpson gave us an injury update at his weekly press conference ahead of the Northampton game.

“We’ve had a little bit of good news,” he said. “Taylor Charters and Hunts will be back into full training next week. They’ve joined in with a lot of the work this week, but they’ll take full part next week.

“JJ Kayode went to see the specialist on Wednesday and he’s been given the all clear to go back into full training. We’re looking at probably two and a half to three weeks of training that he needs, so we’re looking at either Port Vale or Exeter, ideally Port Vale, but we’ll just have to wait and see. He’s really chuffed and I think it’s given everybody a huge lift having him back.

“Jack Ellis is back in full training so he’s available for selection, although he missed out on the game with it being called off on Tuesday. He’s trained all week so he’s back into the mix for us, so there is good news on that."

“Mox is a major doubt for the weekend,” he continued “We’ll just have to wait and see, but we’ll give it as long as we possibly can. He’s had treatment all week and he’s had an injection in his hip so we need to see how he reacts to that.

"He’s had a scan and there is some damage but it’s just a case of waiting to see how quickly it settles down. Hopefully he’ll be fine for this weekend, but if not, possibly the week after.

“Terry and Jokull are still going through their rehab. They’re progressing ok but they’re not there yet. Fin is still at Forest but he’s doing really well and he’s back on the grass with them. We were looking at the middle to the end of February originally but it’s now looking like the middle to end of January.

“Callum Guy had his surgery on Wednesday and that went really well. The work for him starts now, he’s got nine months of work and the challenge for him is to come back even better physically and as a footballer than he was when he got injured.

“People often try and get back sooner but the truth is in general if you come back earlier than nine months you're probably looking at another set back. We'll take it steady with him and follow the plan exactly as it needs to be.

"There's been a lot of research into these kind of injuries and the progression that you need to go through so it’ll be a long time for Callum. I think that now he’s had the surgery we can start looking a date that he can return.

“He’s doing really well. He seemed in a good head space when he left us before surgery, he’ll be back in the building on Friday so well find out from there. He’s a strong character so with the right attention and the right work that we are going to put into him I’m sure he’ll be fine." 

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