CLUB: The biggest changes will be on the East side

Another thing on the list of discussion topics for the Piatak family since completing the takeover has been potential changes to the stadium at Brunton Park.

The Charlton Athletic game saw some initial changes made to enhance the supporter experience, and the club's Chairman has confirmed that there are more improvements in the offing - while also remaining respective of the heritage of the ground.

"We want the Warwick Road End to change," he said.

"We want the concessions there to change and we want the bathrooms to change. 

"We brought in the portable ones because that was necessary, but when we were there we looked at the Warwick Road End bathrooms and that's history too. We want to keep a piece of that so someone can come and bring their grandchild one day and say 'that's what it used to be like!'. There is history there, but we need to modernise it. 

"Personally, I would like to see more sound come out of the Warwick Road End. That is a crazy group down there and I love listening to them and hearing the drum beating and everything, but for some reason the sound kind of goes up and doesn't come out, so we're going to try and figure out a way to project that sound out."

And the changes won't be confined to one side of the ground, either.

"The biggest changes will be on the East side," continued the Chairman.

"We're going to completely finish the East side. That infrastructure over there is set up to be completed and right now we have the second floor with offices available but more of that can be developed. 

"Training classrooms can be put in there and we're going to move up and get the boxes finished. That's an example of how the business community can help - we're going to finish those boxes and hope to have those leased out to various businesses who want to help Carlisle, and that will be a great hospitality area. It will create more hospitality areas over there which will free-up the West side."

And Piatak also set out what plans are in store for that side of the stadium.

"The West side, down below on the ground floor, that is going to be the player's area," he explained.

"We've already talked to Paul and we have the schematic of the entire side and said 'what does the future look like?'. Where is the home dressing room, where is the away dressing room? That needs to be improved. 

"The referee's room, it's not acceptable right now. The showers, the bathroom, the entire atmosphere down there needs to improve for the players. 

"I want them to walk in and say 'this is where we want to be'. When it's game day, it needs to look like a League One or Championship facility so we're going to modernise that. 

"There'll be some touches, cleaning things up and maintenance, but the big ones are in the East Stand and then once the East Stand is done that enables us to move things over there and we can finish the downstairs of the West Stand. 

"We'd love to get that done next summer because that's when it needs to happen - but it can't happen until we get that East side done. We're working on that and going through that with an architect."

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