YOUTUBE: Cumbrian Properties sponsor manager videos

Our official YouTube channel now has over 11,000 subscribers, with the interviews with manager Paul Simpson extremely popular with fans who visit the channel to hear his thoughts and opinions on a wide range of subjects.

The United boss talks to the press and the club’s media team before and after every game, and we’re delighted to confirm that his video footage has a new sponsor this season with another strong local company – Cumbrian Properties – stepping in to place their distinctive branding at the start and close of each interview, with their banner to be displayed prominently throughout the clip.

The support of this package by Cumbrian Properties allows us to keep up to date with the latest editing and filming equipment and software, bringing the best quality recorded interviews and live streams possible on our YouTube channel platform.

Commercial assistant Martyn Vevers said: “Adrian Hogarth from Cumbrian Properties is a long-term partner of the club, and a huge fan, and he’s been extremely easy to deal with as we talked about this sponsorship package.

“It’s a great way for Cumbrian Properties to show their support in such a visible and high-profile way, and particularly when it is of such direct benefit to the fans.

“This is a fantastic example of a local business giving back to the community at the same time as supporting the Blues.

“We’re pleased to be able to work so closely with another strong local business.”

Click HERE to visit the Cumbrian Properties website.

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