MANAGER: Let's stick together again

We’ve said it so many times already this summer, but it really does feel just yesterday that we had fans packed into the stadium for the home leg of the play-off semi-final, which makes the thought of seeing everyone again tomorrow even more exciting.

“It’s going to be brilliant,” manager Paul Simpson said. “You think back to the last time we were all here for that Bradford City game and what an atmosphere that was.

“What an atmosphere they created at Wembley, and I hope we’ve kept some of them. I know some can’t come to every game, but I really do hope we’ve kept some of them.

“I’ll say this again, they play a massive part in what we do. They’ve played a huge part so far in my time back at the club and we need them to continue to do it.

“Last season we had some tough times, and they stuck with us, and we’re going to have some tough times this season. I just ask them to stay with us if that does happen.

“Come and give us a chance, come and back us, and I accept that they’re probably not going to be cheering all the time because there are going to be tough times, but just stay with us.

“Keep supporting this football club because without them we wouldn’t be in this stronger position now compared to the one we were in 17 or 18 months ago. We’ve all played a part, so let’s all try to stick together again.”

The support of the fans was something that was earned through hard work and effort out on the pitch last term.

“And we’ve got to earn that right again now,” he agreed. “It’s not going to happen straight away. I’d like to think there’ll still be a momentum from last season, so we’ll get a good crowd to start the season.

“Then it’s down to us. We’ve got perform, and give them something to come back to. Hopefully they’ll stick with us like they have done so far.”

But there was a plea from United’s boss following this week’s £7,500 fine which was posted against the club following incidents at the Boxing Day home game last season.

“I was going to say that just isn’t us, but unfortunately it is some of our fans,” he commented. “All we can ask of everybody is just behave yourselves.

“You pay your money to come in and support us and that money is going towards helping the football club progress. When we get hit by a fine from the FA that doesn’t help us. It’s coming out of our funds.

“We have a big pot of cash in a football club to spend for the benefit of the club, and if some of that is going away because somebody has been an idiot with something they’ve said, or something that’s been thrown, or somebody running onto the pitch, that isn’t doing anybody any favours.

“That’s not a supporter of the club. That’s somebody who is actually doing something to the detriment of the club. Let’s cut it out, let’s police ourselves, manage it ourselves, and see if every penny from these people who are coming in to support us and sponsor us, every penny that’s been generated, let’s keep it for us.

“Let’s not go and line the pockets of the FA, who have enough money. I was stupid enough to make daft comments last season, and I had to line the pockets of the FA, but I’m not going to be doing that again.

“I’d love it if that money was going to a worthy cause, but it isn’t. It’s going into the FA, just like our fine this week is, so let’s all learn and let’s all be better.

“Let’s make sure that this place is a really good place to come and enjoy an entertaining game of football and we send the opposition away disappointed, but disappointed that they’ve got nothing and not because they’ve had a flea in their ear.”

Meanwhile he also addressed the Own Moxon situation, with both the club and the player looking to concentrate on the football and avoid the distractions.

“No, nothing’s happened, there’s been no discussions with him,” he told us. “The contract’s there for him. There’s been nothing at all this week, he’s just got on with training and I haven’t spoken to him about any of it.

“He knows it’s there and it’s up to him to come to us. I want him to stay, that’s quite clear, but there’s no change. He’s training with us and getting on with it and he’s available for the weekend.

“We do talk, I speak to him, but we’ve not discussed the contract. He has conversations with me about the future of the football club. He’s not completely ruled it out.

“I can’t really tell you where his head’s at because I haven’t had that discussion. I just want him to focus on his football. For me, the biggest thing is he needs to just perform. When he’s selected he needs to perform.

“If I get to a point where I think he’s not performing, then he won’t be in the team. There’ll be no favouritism, I won’t be treating him any different to what I have before. He’s our player and I want him to stay that way.”

“There’s no timeframe, I’m not putting a deadline on it, I just want him to stay,” he concluded. “I suppose the ultimate deadline will be next June 30, if he hasn’t signed the contract, but we can’t do anything about that.

“I want him here. I know for a fact he enjoys being here. It’s just his head’s been turned a little bit, which is understandable, and we’ve just got to turn it back and make sure he’s fully focused on us.”

Read Time: 5 mins