MANAGER: I just don't get it

Following the FA fine received by the club earlier this week relating to incidents at our Boxing Day game last season the club tried to send a clear message about how important the behaviour of every supporter is when attending games at Brunton Park.

Unfortunately reports of objects being thrown onto the pitch during the second half had to be followed by tannoy announcements and a redeployment of stewards and staff in an attempt to avoid yet another investigation, which could well lead to more sanctions raised against the club.

Manager Paul Simpson took some of his post-match press conference time to once against address the issue.

“First of all I have to say that the crowd were magnificent,” he said. “To get those numbers is fantastic, I just wish they could all behave like 99.9% of them do, because it’s going to get us in trouble.

“I’m going to have to appeal to them to stop being stupid and doing silly things because it’s going to cost us. I’ve said this before, but all of our money at this football club goes into a pot to make the club better.

“If we go lining the pockets of the FA for stupid idiots who want to throw stuff on the pitch, it’s going to affect us.

“We’ve got to deal with it and be more grown up about it. The 99.99% have been magnificent today, to get over 10,000 is a real credit to our supporters, and I think they’ve seen a really good game of football as well.”

“As I say, a tiny minority, we have some idiots who are throwing things from the Warwick Road End, and they’re going to cost this football club,” he added.

“If you have some clown, or more than one clown, who wants to throw things, we’re going to end up throwing the money we away and giving it to the FA and, let me tell you, they don’t need it as much as we do. 

“The thing is, I just don’t get it. I really don’t get it. Over the last nine months, the Warwick has been an absolute shining light for us in terms of the togetherness and the work those young people are doing.

“I don’t know who it is, I don’t know whether it’s an older person, a younger person, I simply just don’t get it.

“I don’t know what needs to happen, how we get the message to them, but they’re costing us money. And that money, an absolute cert, it will come off my budget.

“We’ve only got so much money to spend as a football club, we can’t make it come out of an ashtray anywhere else, nobody has that sort of money lying around. It's such a shame.

“Our fans have been superb. That turnout today was magnificent, and it’s spoiled by some … I don’t know who it was. They’re not helping our football club.”

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