CUSG: August meeting minutes

CUSG Meeting Summary - Remote meeting via Zoom, 14.08.2023

Attendance –  John Kukuc (Chair), Simon Clarkson (SLO), Dave Brown (London Branch), Nigel Davidson (EDI Rep/CUOSC), Dan Maclennan, Matt Spooner (CUOSC), Keith Elliott (CUSAT),  Sonny Kirkwood (Warwick Road Enders), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporter), Andy Hall, Amy Nixon, Nigel Clibbens (CUFC)

Apologies –  Alastair Woodcock (CUOSC), Terry McCarthy (London Branch), Gary Wylie (LGBTQ+ Supporters)

John introduced the meeting. Several updates had as usual been pre-circulated.

  1. Club Update

Nigel C had circulated the club update already. Click HERE to read the club update. 

Dan suggested we should advertise the fact that the club has had a very good season for season ticket sales. Nigel C said the club had given some running totals and the public knew the figure was around 3k. A final figure had yet to be given.

On potential investment, Nigel C said he felt it was now appropriate for the club to update fans. He said he could not comment directly on the specific detail in the story that had appeared in the News & Star but he said it would be useful to ‘set the scene’ and outline the issues and practical matters affecting any takeover deal in general. He confirmed that discussions have taken place with interested parties but there was still a way to go on any deal. He explained why. He referred to his update. 

Simon reported positive feedback about the new ticketing system. He asked Nigel C if there was any benefit in opening sales for the Derby County home game earlier than normal, to help decide if the Waterworks End should be open, and to which set of fans.

Nigel C said that decisions of this nature should be ‘fan driven’ rather than based on convenience for the club. He said the club would be as pragmatic as possible with regard to any decisions reached.

  1. Fan behaviour

John said the special meeting on Thursday had been beneficial. Matt said that a Zoom meeting had been held with a Blackpool fan during the last week, with himself, Nigel D and Nigel C taking part. There was a discussion about ‘incentivising’, which would mean some sort of reward could be offered for good behaviour. Simon asked if this approach had been tried before. Nigel C said he didn’t think it had, but he could see the benefit of trying it. Nigel C commented that a Warwick Road End project could be funded by either CUSG or the club as the situation demanded. Matt said this should be something with fan backing, and asked Sonny to come forward with ideas. Sonny was asked to consult with fellow WRE fans.

Simon said he agreed with Dan’s idea to have more SLO Team members in the vicinity of the Warwick Road End at future home games to explain the new regime which was being brought in to combat recent crowd-related incidents. Andy added that vaping is banned throughout the ground, not just in the Warwick Road End and would lead to expulsion if anyone was caught.

  1. Finance

Simon reported a balance £1637.46 with a small liability of approx. £40 for a shirt that had been sent to Jigsaw. No transactions had taken place recently.

  1. Memorabilia

Simon reported two main initiatives. The first was a small display that was being readied for Tullie House’s re-opening. A theme of the ‘story of Carlisle’ was being prepared for the revamp, including a history of Carlisle United. A small focus group had been consulted about this. Their ideas had been passed on to the Tullie House curator.

The second was still in progress and dependent on National Lottery funding. Details were still being kept under wraps but plans were well advanced. The idea behind it was to reach out to non-football fans as well as CUFC supporters, said Simon.

Dave Brown asked if interviews with fans were being planned? Simon said this was happening. Ed Cooper, a CUFC fan, was being brought in to help with this on the technical side. The National Football museum had been consulted.

Simon said a decision on the funding of the second project would be made 8-10 weeks after submission of the application.

  1. EDI/Disabled fans update

EFL Code of Practice on EDI - Work continues on this important piece of work ahead of the assessment in October ‘23.

Wellbeing Through Football - significant new project and collaboration with Cumberland Council, CUFC CST, Carlisle Eden Mind, Every Life Matters, linking also with Cumberland FA, Cumbria Fire & Rescue, Cumbria Pride/Outreach Cumbria, University of Cumbria and others.

First event was held at the Cumbria Sports Academy in Whitehaven on 13/8. A charity football game between Border City Greens FC and Tubby FC. Return leg in Carlisle on 10/9 venue Tbc. The aim of this is to raise awareness around men's mental health. Both football teams have been set up on the back of mental health and general wellbeing issues. More to come in this space.

Radio Cumbria Interviews expected to air on Tuesday 15/8. Info HERE

Funding for the two games was secured through bids to Cumberland Council and Fans For Diversity (Football Supporters Association) and we would like to  put in record our thanks to both organisations for their generosity. Also thanks to Cumbria Sports Academy for the venue and Carlisle Youth Zone for the amazing Smoothie Bike!

Next projects include the idea of a multi-faith/quiet room, Immersive Sensory Room via the University of Cumbria and involvement in the Tullie House CUFC Exhibit.

Ongoing projects

Tullie House - see SLO update, but significant involvement from EDI.

Neurodiversity – ongoing.

EDI calendar - ongoing. Big push around mental health for 2nd September game v Shrewsbury, more to follow.

Wheelchair accessible area - ongoing.

Disabled Supporter’s Group - ongoing. Expressions of interest for Disability Rep to go out asap.

Restorative Justice - further work with Remedi to come in conjunction with Suzanne Kidd.

Match Days/Stewarding - EDI started attending Steward Supervisor Briefings from the Fleetwood game. Very interesting and informative and I will be feeding in from an EDI perspective going forward this season.

Women’s and Girls EDI Rep - Final interview today 14th August. Expect an announcement at CUSG this evening.

Nigel reported at the meeting that Natalie Mason had been recruited as women and girls’ rep. She will be introduced to the group formally at the next CUSG meeting.

Andy suggested Natalie be added to the list of official CUSG spokespeople, alongside Terry and Keith Ward. Nigel D said he would raise this with her.

Matt said some damage had been reported to the London Branch sponsored disabled fans shelter at the southern end of the ground. Nigel C said he would look into it.

  1. SLO Update

The truncated pre-season flew by amidst lots of new engagement with league one SLO’s. With a minimum of 20 different grounds to visit this season and with the big travelling support, it is important to get good quality information to our fans. Keith goes to the majority of away games and between us we deal with a lot of queries from our fans on social media.

At home games, our meeters and greeters are kept busy with a variety of activities around the ground. We rotate positions to give resilience and particularly enjoy helping out with our community groups who get a mini ground tour before the game. We are always on the look out for more meeters and greeters, so please get in touch if you would like to join the team. As a thank you for helping you will receive a complimentary match ticket.

The visitors guide for Brunton Park has had a post season refresh and is provided to all opposition SLO’s to share with their fans.

Fan behaviour continues to be a concern and as part of CUSG, the SLO team fully support the action plan drawn up that attempts to eradicate inappropriate behaviour by a very small minority of our fans.

It is great to see the Flags for United group are getting momentum and some great flag displays in the Waterworks. We were happy to help sort out a storage space at the ground which now makes the matchday process quicker and avoids bringing flags to and from the ground.

General issues raised by fans to the SLO team are continually relayed to the club and feedback provided. Just as a flavour, examples of issues raised at the Fleetwood game included vaping, foul language, alcohol consumption in the stands, poor tannoy quality and ticket scanning.

We are delighted to help the new formed South Lakes supporters club based in Kendal. Taking the play off final trophy through to their launch event last week, made me a very popular guest! If you are a fan living in the area, give them a look up.

We are actively involved in dialogue about fan issues. So as to represent the views of you the fans, please get in touch.

Simon said we should consider inviting a rep from the South Lakes supporters club to attend a meeting with a view to them being a permanent part of the CUSG and this was unanimously agreed.

  1. Group updates


Membership had dipped briefly below 800 after the membership year end on July 31, but was expected to soon go back above that level.

London Branch

Recruitment is going well, and we expect to hit 350 members for the first time by the end of September. Planning is ongoing for this season including a re-launch of our junior section, a weekend trip to Cambridge and the vote for next year’s summer trip destination in addition to our usual activities.


CUSAT have announced a March tour of France and Belgium to take in battlefields at Ypres, Arras, Reims, Dunkirk and Waterloo, ending with the Charlton game in London. The tour departs on March 6, returning on March 10. Price will be £450 including bed and breakfast. Journey to and from the continent will be via Eurostar.

Keith asked if the club had any plans to bring back the match programme after he received a complaint. The club didn’t expect to bring it back in its traditional form, said Nigel C. A match day leaflet was being looked into to be potentially distributed via the golden gamble team. One-off souvenir programmes were still a possibility for big Cup ties.

Scottish supporters

Keith reported some interest from the Glasgow area in terms of people wanting to join. There has also been disquiet about the new traffic lights next to the Lidl supermarket on Warwick Road.

  1. Any Other Business

Dan asked if there was a date for the next batch of kits to be in the club shop. Nigel C said he expected them to be available soon after the Exeter match but he didn’t have a specific date yet.

Dave Brown asked about the decision of Portsmouth FC to ‘ban’ away mascots. Nigel C said the club would speak to Portsmouth to raise this issue. Dave said there had been a lot of interest in acting as the mascot at Fratton Park. Simon said there had been interest from Exeter City supporters to have their mascot at Brunton Park on Saturday. Amy explained the away mascot was charged the same way as home fans are.

  1. Date of next meeting

September 25

Read Time: 10 mins