APPEARANCE: Pirelli girls get a special visit

Ryan Edmondson and Tomas Holy were guests of honour at the Pirelli Girls U10s training session last week, ahead of the team's visit to Brunton Park on Saturday as part of the Cumberland Community Ticket Scheme.

Ryan said: "It was great to go down and see the girls before they came to watch us play against Fleetwood.

"I think Tomas' team had a slight advantage because he was taller than the goals, but my team managed to score a couple of good goals past him. We hope the girls enjoyed their day at Brunton Park on Saturday." 

Tomas said: "These visits are always enjoyable and I think the girls changed the night of their training session to make sure we could come down, which was great of them. 

"Luke was great in organising the girls and also making sure Edmo kept his bib on, which amused us all!"

The Cumberland’s Community Ticket Scheme means thousands of youngsters will be able to watch The Blues for free once again this season.

The scheme provides local primary schools and community groups with up to 300 free tickets for home matches.

For more information on the services provided by The Cumberland, click HERE.


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