CUSG: Minutes from the September meeting

Remote meeting via Zoom, 26.09.2022

Attendance –  John Kukuc (Chair), Terry McCarthy (London Branch),  Nigel Davidson (EDI Rep/CUOSC), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporter), Simon Clarkson (SLO), Alastair Woodcock, Dan Maclennan (CUOSC), Keith Elliott (CUSAT), Andy Hall, Amy Nixon, Nigel Clibbens (CUFC)

Apologies –  Gary Wylie (LGBTQ+ Supporters, Chair), Barry Carter (Disabled Group), Emmanuel Boateng (EDI – PoC)

  1. Club Update

Nigel Clibbens had circulated this prior to the meeting and it is included separately to these minutes.

Keith Elliott asked about the Glass Bar - fans can’t see outside? Nigel explained that vinyls were installed on the insides of the windows as part of the refit. The club had been told they could be seen through. The club would look into ways of improving this.

For the September club update, click HERE.

  1. SLO Update

We now have greater resilience within the home match day meeter and greeter team, which then affords an ability to both react to issues on a match day and plan a proactive approach to future games. In the east stand the team look to reduce pressure on catering queues by engaging with fans and showing them the click and collect app as well as where applicable, encouraging families to use the tuck shop instead of the bars.

The fan zone expansion and new design has been well received by fans, especially the new container bar. Fan feedback last month to expand the area again to provide more seating and make queueing easier was met very positively by the club, as was to cut off the traffic flow through the area earlier.

The use of the 4 handheld flags in the Warwick Road End (WRE) has been paused which is very frustrating. We have tried various approaches but inappropriate behaviour by those using the flags has led to the withdrawal. I am open to ideas as to how we can get these being used again.

On the away front Keith and I hope that the proactive social media presence enables our fans to have an enhanced away game experience. Cumbria Police play a big part in this too and liaison with Jonny Sunley is constant. There have been no issues so far, but we expect Hartlepool to create some challenges that are now complicated by the potential of no trains.

The ‘Simmo is our king’ flag will hopefully be on permanent display from this week in the corner of the east stand adjacent to the WRE.

We are always keen to recruit more meeter and greeters who are thanked with a complimentary ticket. If you would like to join us, please get in touch.

A discussion at the meeting was held about the issue with flags. The flags were being stored at the back of the Warwick Road End in holders. Simon suggested ‘trusted’ fans could wave them in future. Dan said extra ball boys could be employed to wave them. Andy said it would not be viable to employ ball boys to wave the flags, as they have enough duties already. Extra youngsters assigned to the task of flag waving on match days would be needed. Amy said the ball boys were sourced by the academy. Nigel C made it clear that club staff would not be used to wave flags as the flags had been a ‘fan initiative’.

Flag wavers at start of the match are youngsters who will not be available to wave flags during the game.

Simon agreed to take on the task of finding new flag wavers.

  1. Finance

Michelle had produced an updated financial report to the end of August. An extra £59 had been deposited since then, making the new balance £638.53.

  1. Projects/Events

Barry was willing to transfer the disabled fans platform project over to John and Nigel D. The funding available was well short of what is required. Support from elsewhere will be needed.

John said he would consult with builders/architects about potential changes that could make the scheme more affordable.

Nigel D reminded the meeting that the original idea was to give disabled fans a better view (raised above ground level).

Matt Spooner to be approached to get involved again in the project.

John said the quote he had seen was ‘realistic’ because the planned design is expensive.

Keith W also offered to help.

Terry had done some preparatory work on a Christmas raffle that could help raise funds for the project.

He said tickets would need to be on sale by mid-November at the latest. The aim would be for a Boxing Day draw.

Dan said the Barrow home game would be an opportunity to maximise sales. A Leicestershire printing firm had been contacted by Terry already. They had quoted £20 for 1000 up to £60 for 6000 tickets. This could increase to £120 maximum, depending on the design of the tickets.

Simon said we would need to make an appeal for prizes from businesses.

Terry to get a proposal together for the next meeting. Simon to assist him.

No other projects/events planned at the moment.

Jimmy Glass is still in dialogue with Simon about his attendance to formally open the Glass Bar.

Memorabilia was still coming in regularly.

The Community Sports Trust had asked for help in sourcing memorabilia for helping dementia patients.

  1. EDI Update

Themed Games

Since we last met, the season got up and running and the EDI plan for themed games has been working well, with visits from:

  • Carlisle Youth Zone: HERE
  • Every Life Matters: HERE
  • Ukrainian Independence Day & Gillingham game visit: HERE.
  • Cumbria Pride: HERE.  
  • CUFC at ‘Pride’ – In a collaboration between the club and the Community Sports Trust, we attended the ‘Pride’ event in Carlisle on 24th September. The story/images to follow.

What’s coming up

EDI has some important games and events coming up in October:

  • Play Safe Safeguarding Weekend
  • Rainbow Laces
  • World Mental Health Day
  • Black History Month
  • Hate Crime week

More details to come shortly on all these initiatives. We continue to develop relationships with other organisations across the area and look forward to making some more partnerships throughout the season.

Disabled Group – John Kukuc and I met with Barry Carter recently. As Barbara Abbott has had to step back temporarily and Barry also taking a bit of a back seat for a while, he is happy for EDI to look after the Disabled Group going forward. He wants us to progress both the Autism work, which I will undertake and the Disabled Viewing Area, which John Kukuc will drive forward.

The Equality Code of Practice

As you will see in the CEO’s report, we partially met the criteria for this and will be working hard to achieve the standard throughout this season. The club will be assessed in season 23/24.

Click HERE to see the Code of Practice. 

EFL Training

Training courses related to the Code of Practice and the EDI and Mental Health agenda are ongoing and both Nigel Clibbens and myself have attended a number of these so far this season.

Dan suggested a dedicated EDI twitter account would be a benefit. When this was  addressed previously, it was agreed to use the main CUSG account for EDI updates. The group agreed this time to set up a separate account for EDI work.

John mentioned a scheme where adults with mental/physical disabilities would attend a home match. Timings and details to discuss with the club.

  1. Group updates

LGBTQ+ - Gary sent apologies for this meeting.

CUOSC - Internal re-structuring going on. Sub-committees are being set up. Branding/communications/membership were being worked on initially. A tiered membership scheme was being looked at.

London Branch - As in previous seasons the main focus of the branch’s financial support for CUFC will be to support  youth development within the club. To this end the branch will again be sponsoring the Academy’s Goal of the Month Competition for the 22/23 season and currently has £1,000 funding ring-fenced to support Academy initiatives throughout the season.

Following the success of the recent Summer Trip to Rome, the first Summer Trip for 3 years, branch members are currently voting on the location of next year’s trip, the shortlist of locations being Malaga, Munich, Vienna and Warsaw.

The branch is continuing to try and  recruit new members, especially at away games. New members are  joining from outside the traditional recruitment area of the South East. Discussions are taking place to try and establish branch ‘twigs’ in the West and North West. There is already a thriving ‘twig’ in Carlisle for branch members who have retired and returned to Carlisle.

CUSAT - Three coaches had been filled for the Hartlepool match. A fourth coach was being sourced. Keith asked if the club had any plans for ‘promoted matches’ in the near future. Nigel C said there were no plans for any discounted games in the near future - not before Christmas, at least.

  1. Any Other Business

A new bar was opening in the Pioneer Stand for the next home game. It was situated where the old shop used to be. Ullswater brewery were offering beer on draught.

Legends was in use again as a business area for the first time since before COVID. For invited guests only.

More meeters and greeters were needed. An appeal for more volunteers had been included in Simon’s SLO report.

CUFC/CUSG to discuss ways to exploit match day fund-raising opportunities, in addition to the raffle discussed above. Nigel C suggested it should be possible to raise funds via collections, etc.

Simon asked about progress of tie-ins with the World Cup. Nigel C confirmed plans are being developed. All bars to be open (depending on demand).

Next meeting – October 31

Read Time: 8 mins