OLGA'S ARMY: Images from the Thursday event

We held the first of our exclusive Olga's Army events in Foxy's Restaurant on Thursday afternoon with our young fans invited along to meet their heroes for autographs and photographs once the first-team training session had ended.

The manager and his players were all in attendance, with the children taking the opportunity to pop a few questions in as they went about the business of getting everything from shirts to boots (and foreheads) signed.

Skipper Morgan Feeney said: "It's great that we have a membership scheme for young supporters like this and that we're able to give them a treat by getting them along to meet the lads.

"You could tell they were all really made up that they were seeing us and able to talk to us in such a relaxed way.

"I've said before how important the community work is that the club does and it means a lot to the players when we can get involved as well."

Defender Corey Whelan said: "That was a really enjoyable afternoon. The kids all enjoyed talking to us about football and Carlisle United and you could tell they were excited by it all.

"We've got a good group at the club at the moment and everyone understands how important this type of thing is.

"When it's done well, as this event was, it's just massively positive for all concerned."

Manager Paul Simpson said: "These youngsters are our fans of the future and that's why it's so important to make them feel part of the club.

"Getting to meet the players in such a personal manner is a fantastic way of doing that, and I know it's an afternoon the kids will be talking about for weeks.

"That matters, so well done to the staff at the club for putting it together, and to the children and their parents and guardians for taking time out of their day to come and see us.

"We really enjoy these events and the appearances we do because when we're asking people to come along and get behind us, it can't just be a one-way street. 

"We're actually part of the community we represent so we have to be out there and talking to people, and making ourselves and the club as accessible as possible.

"It was a good day - I just hope it wasn't spoiled for anyone by having to have a photograph taken with me!"

If you would like a hi-res copy of your child's photo with Paul Simpson please email media@carlisleunited.co.uk with a screenshot of the photo you would like. 

If you would like to join Olga's Army, click HERE for more details. 

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