HATE CRIME AWARENESS WEEK: United back campaign

To coincide with the start of national Hate Crime Awareness Week (10 – 14 October) Carlisle United Football Club has teamed up with Cumbria Constabulary on its campaign to increase public awareness of what hate crime is, and to empower those who witness or experience a hate crime to report the incident to the police, or a third-party reporting centre.

The club and emergency services in Cumbria will be working together on these three areas:

  • To raise awareness of hate crimes 
  • Encourage people to report if they are a victim, or witness it
  • Highlight the support available

We are helping to spread the message and reach as many people as possible.

What is a Hate Crime? 

Hate crime includes crimes motivated by prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or disability. 

Hate crime is not tolerated within Cumbria and Cumbria police will investigate all reports. and work to bring offenders to justice.

Hate crimes can include but are not limited to:

  • assault
  • verbal abuse
  • damage to property
  • threatening behaviour
  • robbery
  • harassment
  • online abuse

How to report a Hate Crime? 

You can report a crime in several ways:

  • If it’s an emergency and the crime is taking place, call 999 and ask for the police.
  • In a non-emergency, you can report online - Report a Non-Emergency Crime/Incident online or speak to an officer via 101.
  • You can go to your local police station.
  • You can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you want to remain anonymous.
  • If you’ve experienced hate crime, you can report the incident online through True Vision.

Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens said: “When we were approached to support this initiative, we were eager to do all we can.

“For many of us hate crime can appear as an invisible and perhaps remote issue that doesn’t affect us, that makes us lucky. 

“For many others they are not so fortunate, and they suffer real harm. It’s an important issue.  We want everyone to know what they can do if faced with it.”

“We are asking our fans and community to report incidents so the Police can investigate and bring offenders to justice. We also want to point victims to the appropriate support.

“We are building our links with community groups and with us having seen different and diverse groups come to games it brings the issue into focus.

“If it happens at a game, or out in the community, it is important to know that support is there and the Police will deal with it.”

Detective Superintendent Matt Scott Strategic Lead for Hate Crime said: “We know that hate crime within Cumbria goes unreported.

“We are reaching out to our communities and the many people that visit Cumbria to report incidents to us so we can investigate, bring offenders to justice and signpost victims to the appropriate support.

“We understand reporting incidents can be daunting and there are alternative options to reporting to the police.

“I can assure the public we take these offences extremely seriously and continually assess our hate crime policies and procedures to improve our response.

“If you have been a victim of a hate crime whether its towards, your disability, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity, please get in touch so we can investigate and provide you with support. Your report could stop others facing the same prejudice.” 

Support available

Victim Support

  • https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/
  • If you want to speak to someone now, call our free 24/7 Supportline – 08 08 16 89 111 or start a live chat. In an emergency always call 999.

Stop Hate UK

Carlisle United


Supporter Liaison Officer - Simon Clarkson

07891 779 015 (match days ONLY)


EDI Officer - Nigel Davidson

07960 889 671


Kick It Out - 020 3967 8989




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