CLUB: FANtastic day with Workington Super Diamonds and Cumbria Mental Health Services

Last Saturday’s game against Doncaster saw us host Workington Super Diamonds and Cumbria Mental Health Services as part of World Mental Health Day celebrations.

It was a fantastic win on the pitch, and Workington Super Diamonds topped the day off by holding their annual awards ceremony in the refurbished Legends Bar at Brunton Park.

Everyone had a great time at the game, despite the downpour before kick-off.

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Lisa, parent of under-16 player Dylan, said: “Well, what can I say. Both me and Dylan were full of anxieties on Saturday morning, neither of us had ever been to a football match before - not a proper one anyways! 

“Everything was well organised and we were made to feel that much at ease that those anxieties soon went away, so much so that Dylan was able to leave my side.

“I was able to watch that happen knowing that he was comfortable enough to actually do things on his own.

“A little thing like Dylan going and buying his own drink and asking for things himself is a massive step. Despite his age he is still very much reliant on me, and the staff made him feel at ease to do things alone. To me it's such a huge thing for him.

“Dylan has only been diagnosed a few short years, so it has been difficult to get to where we are now. A thank you to everyone at Carlisle football club. We really enjoyed our day.”

Luka, another under-16 player, said: “Thank you for a really good day. I go to some of the home games, and when I’ve been in the past sometimes, I got anxious, but it gets better every time I go because I know my way around.

“This time I didn’t feel nervous or anything, because I was there with my friends. I liked waiting for the players to arrive." 

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Matty’s mum said: “As a mum with a child of additional needs, what may seem like and should be a ‘fun’ day out for your child can often be the complete opposite, as it provokes huge anxieties that are often unpredictable and come on quickly.

“Thanks to the quick thinking of the staff on the entrance we were allowed to go into the side entrance away from the queuing people.

“Nigel was keen to do everything he could to help and once the game started things eased. Thanks to all the staff for being so caring and proactive.

“Matty was also over the moon with the signatures and photos he got off the players, they were all really friendly with the kids.”

Louise, another parent, told us: “Thank you isn't enough for the way our children were treated on Saturday.

“With several children with several disabilities, sensory issues, etc, they were treated with utmost dignity and respect. It was very much appreciated.”

Parents Adam and Julia commented: “A massive thank you to Carlisle United for hosting the day. We had the best time. When you have a child with additional needs and disabilities, going to a new place or environment is daunting for the child and the parents.

“Right from arriving and meeting us there was a calming atmosphere which made us feel at ease. Your staff were really friendly and couldn’t have done any more for us if they tried.

“The turnstiles were smooth getting our ticket and walking down the tunnel was spot on. The room we had our presentation was perfect. One word for the day for me and my family was, ‘Perfect.’ Thanks again.”

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Stephen Philpott from Cumbria Mental Health Services said: “Thanks to Nigel Davidson for his dedication, motivation and hard work.”

One of his service users said: “I enjoyed the atmosphere, found the company good.

“I was humbled by being in the presence of the people from Workington Diamonds. It was a fantastic experience and makes me feel grateful, despite my own battles with mental illness.”

Nigel Davidson EDI Officer & Fan Director said: “We always knew that Saturday was going to be a special day, but I am blown away by the comments we have received from the parents and players of Workington Super Diamonds.

“They had a wonderful time at Carlisle United. We had a wonderful time hosting them and we can’t wait to do some more work with them in the future.

“I’m also really pleased that the Service Users from Cumbria Mental Health Services enjoyed their day and appreciated sharing it with the children and parents from Workington.”

Read Time: 4 mins