EVENT: Emotional introduction to the Carlisle Youth Zone

New Carlisle boss Paul Simpson attended his first local business breakfast, organised by the Carlisle Youth Zone, at the beginning of May and it proved to be extremely enjoyable as he took centre stage to answer questions about his career, and about the job he’s taken on here at Brunton Park.

Held at the Halston Hotel, the breakfast was sponsored by business lawyers Baines Wilson, with Tom Scaife from the company a more than capable host.

The morning opened with a hard-hitting story from the Youth Zone’s Lynsey Buckle, who recounted a story about a 13-year-old girl (Alex) who had been rescued from a life of abuse and drug use when she’d walked into the popular city facility looking for somewhere to feel safe.

It was a life-changing moment for the teenager, who received vital support and who, we learned, is set to take up studies at the University of Cumbria in September some five years after meeting her new friends.

“There are many more children like Alex in Carlisle who need our support, our tenderness and our love, and that’s why we’re here,” Lynsey said. “We’re extremely proud of the work we do at the Youth Zone and we thank you all for the support and sponsorship you give.

“Your help allows us to get on with the vital community work we need to do.”

Having heard that story, the United boss admitted to feeling ‘quite emotional’ as he was introduced to the delegates.

“It is an absolutely brilliant initiative to give young people a safe place to get together and give them support around issues such as mental health,” he said. “The Youth Zone not only gives youngsters somewhere to go, but it provides real support and advice in situations like this.

“That’s what happened to me when I moved to join Manchester City at the age of 16, and I can’t stress how important it is for people to be given the opportunity to follow the right path.

“I commend Lynsey and the Carlisle Youth Zone staff for all of the work they do.”

And on taking over as first-team manager, he said: “It’s a job I’m looking forward to. It’s my hometown club and I want to help to get it back to where we all want it to be.

“There are good people here, but it just needs an injection of life into it and to build up more support from the community and businesses in the city.”

Tom led the questioning, with Paul facing questions on his career and, as you would expect, on his mission to bring the feel-good factor back to Brunton Park.

“It was great of Paul to give up his time to support the Youth Zone and give us an insight into the job he does,” Tom commented. “It was fascinating to hear him talk about his career and the importance of sport to young people and the wider community.”

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens, who also attended the event on behalf of the club, said: “We’ve always had a very good relationship with the staff at Carlisle Youth Zone and we were delighted when we were invited to attend this event.

“It was a fantastic morning, superbly well organised and hosted, and I think everybody enjoyed listening to Paul.

“We could tell from the reaction of the businesses and individuals in the room that there is a genuine feeling of optimism, and we’re all looking forward to what we hope the next few seasons will bring.”

For more information on the Carlisle Youth Zone, click HERE

As a registered charity Carlisle Youth Zone relies heavily on donations - both from businesses and individuals, as well as trusts and grants, and patrons. 

You can support the Carlisle Youth Zone HERE.

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