CST: Traineeship work placement dream comes true

Brogan Rooney is another student from the Community Sports Trust’s latest Traineeship programme to secure employment as a result of his 12-week work placement.

Prior to joining the programme, Brogan had completed a Level 2 Early Years course at Carlisle College.

Unfortunately, Brogan then found himself unable to source an apprenticeship, due to not having enough practical experience.

This was as a direct result of the Covid restrictions, which had impacted on the course provision.

As with all students, the CST tries to source them a work placement within an area or field in which they are hoping to gain employment or an apprenticeship, or in which they have a real interest.

In Brogan’s case that was Early Years.

Following a bit of background work, we were so grateful for the offer of a voluntary placement via headteacher Ms Sue Blair at Pennine Way Primary School.

Brogan completed his 12-week placement, working within the Early Years department and flourished from day one.

He established a fantastic relationship with the children and staff at the school.

Brogan’s confidence grew as the traineeship progressed and he embraced all aspects of the provision; from the interaction with guest speakers to learning lifesaving skills, kindly provided via our local ‘Green Watch’ fire service.

On completion of his work placement at Pennine Way, Brogan secured sessional paid employment, helping to run the After School Club provision.

Brogan has also continued to volunteer within the early years department and is hoping to gain an apprenticeship in a primary school from September.

CST Traineeship Coordinator Teresa Mulholland said: “Brogan has been a joy to have on the programme.

“We wish him all the very best in his future career in Early Years education.”

School Business Manager Chris Kania said: “Brogan is settling in really well in his new role as sessional After School Club Assistant.

“He is a pleasure to work with.”

We all wish Brogan every success for the future.

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