MANAGER: I've enjoyed the way our fans have been

Over 600 away fans are expected to make the journey north on Saturday as promotion hopefuls Bristol Rovers bring their run of good form to town.

But with the Blues also enjoying a good run, another noisy home following is expected as they look to do their bit to help the club secure the points it needs to stave of the lingering threat of a relegation battle.

“Hopefully the fans will be out in their numbers again and they make it a great atmosphere for us, because they really do help,” manager Paul Simpson said.

“I’ve enjoyed how our fans have got behind us and I know the players have as well. The players want an atmosphere and credit to the fans because even in the games when it hasn’t quite gone our way, in terms of the performance, they’ve stuck with us.

“That’s really important and we have to give them something to cling onto. If, on Saturday, it isn’t quite happening for us, I hope they stick with us again. They’re up there, so the chances are they’ll get spells in the game where they’re on top.

“That’s when we want the fans to applaud every block and run we make because that’s when we really need them in a game like this. These fans respond when players are giving everything, so the challenge to us is to do that for them.”

“The supporters have had a really tough time in the first part of the season, but they’ve had a positive lift over recent weeks,” he added. “We’ve got to make sure we keep that positivity.

“However many home games we’ve got left, I want a real positive feel here, for it to feel a good place for our supporters to come and a good place for our players to play.

“I want it to be a nice place for me to stand in that technical area and not get abused from old schoolmates on the Paddock, and make it a really good finish to the season.”

And supporting from afar will be new arrival Oakley, born to Rachel and Jon Mellsh earlier this week.

“Jon has managed to get some sleep and it’s good to have him back in, but it’s absolutely brilliant news for him and his partner Rachel,” he commented. “I’m delighted for them, and the new arrival.

“I’ve been in contact with him all week and I was saying to him, I’m really sorry, but if you can get out and just have a jog and stretch your legs in between any contractions I need you to do it.

“Thankfully he's come in today [Thursday], he’s fine and trained well, and hopefully he’ll be ok for the weekend.”

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