SPONSORSHIP: Associate match sponsorship for the 2022/23 season

Our associate sponsorship package provides an excellent opportunity for a group of dedicated fans or local businesses and companies to enjoy our match day experience.

Our match day associate sponsorship package includes:

- Table for 8 in Foxy’s Restaurant

- Three-course dining options

- Tickets for the west side main stand

- Optional pre-match ground tour

- A signed shirt presented by a Carlisle United player

- An article announcing your sponsorship in the run up to the game on the club website

- Presence on the big screen

- Team sheets and match programmes

- Company name read out over the PA system

- Company name on the official team sheet

- Two car parking spaces

- Opportunity for two representatives to appear in the pre-match line-up photograph on the pitch

- Prices and menu options differ per game – book early to secure the game of your choice

Prices start from £650 + VAT. 

To book, or for more information, call 0330 094 5930 option 3 or email commercial@carlisleunited.co.uk

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