FANS: How to get in touch

Working together with our fans makes the club better - it’s that simple. It’s the right thing to do.

We don’t get everything right, there is no sense of complacency, and we are constantly looking to improve. You can help us!

We haven’t got all the answers, but we are striving hard to make our club better, so it makes sense for us to seek help and input from people who also want to see us get better.

If you have a concern or even a complaint or simply want to give us feedback please do. There are lots of ways!

+ If the matter is of a Safeguarding nature please click HERE

+ You can come direct to the club – just email or direct to the relevant member of staff.  Our contacts list is HERE

+ You can go to the SLO. That’s an independent fan representative who can help you – email - click HERE for more information. Also check out section 17 of the Club Charter.

+ If the matter is of a Equality, Diversity, Inclusion or Mental Health nature please click HERE

+ You can go to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Nigel Davidson, who can help you - email

+ You can contact us on a match day - call or text 07891 779015 if you wish to report any abuse or behaviour concerns you are experiencing. The number is on the back of all of our match tickets and the phone is held by our SLO who will help you.

+ You can approach Carlisle United Official Supporters Club (CUOSC) HERE. They are the Supporters’ Trust shareholder group representing fans at the heart of the club -email

+ You can approach Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups (CUSG) or any of the individual member groups. It comprises representatives of independent supporters’ groups of Carlisle United. Click HERE for the CUSG Constitution. 

+ If you have a formal complaint about the club or any employee or director, please follow the Complaints Policy HERE.  Further details are in the Section 2 of the Club Charter. Please note - the club usually expects complaints to be made by the person concerned. However, it will consider complaints made by a parent or advocate.

Anonymous complaints cannot be investigated. 

If the matter is of a very serious nature where anonymity is a factor please refer to our Whistleblowing Policy HERE.

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