MANAGER: Trying to do one or two more

With just over a week of the transfer window left to go manager Keith Millen confirmed that the work doesn’t stop as he looks to add to the group.

“We’re trying to do one or two more, so it’s not a case of being patient, it’s trying to get them done,” he explained. “We know what we need, we’re just trying to get them.

“We’ve got just over a week so we’ll be trying to do some business. I will be pleased in a way when it’s closed, especially if we can get one or two targets in.

“That’s when you can settle everything down and get on with the work you want to do. But that’s the nature of how transfer windows are at the moment, everyone goes mad, this week will be mad no doubt, we just have to bring the right players in if we can.”

“Going the other way we’re trying to get a couple of the younger ones out. If we can bring one or two in, we need to, but I don’t want too big a squad, because you want that competition, but you can end up with too many players not being involved, and I don’t want that.

“Lewi Bell is one of the younger ones that needs men’s football, so he’s gone out, like Taylor who’s done really well at Gateshead. If we can find somewhere for young lads like that, we will.”

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