CLUB: Return to ‘Plan A’ Coronavirus arrangements at Brunton Park

The Government announced yesterday that England will fully return to ‘Plan A’ on Thursday 27 January 2022.

Face coverings will no longer be mandatory in indoor venues, and organisations will be able to choose whether or not they require NHS Covid Passes.

What this means for fans at Brunton Park:

Starting with the next home game [Sutton United, Saturday 29 January] face coverings are no longer mandatory at Brunton Park. The wearing of face coverings reverts to a matter of personal choice.

It is critical that all fans continue to play their part in minimising the risk our games pose to fellow supporters, and the wider community. We remain fully committed to this guidance.

Public health advice remains in place, so we continue to ask fans to voluntarily wear a face covering in crowded indoor spaces.

Supporters must continue to follow our Covid-19 Spectator Code of Conduct.

The updated Spectator Code of Conduct, reflecting the changes on reverting to Plan A, can be read HERE.

At all times and in all areas of Brunton Park please observe ‘hands, face, space’ guidelines, as follows:

  • Arrive in good time to avoid queues and congestion.
  • Do not enter Red Zone non-spectator areas.
  • For spectators in standing areas give space to each other and spread out where possible.
  • Use contactless payment where possible.
  • If you need to access any of Brunton Park’s amenities, such as toilets, food and drink outlets, or concessions please try and avoid busy period and overcrowding.
  • Remain in your seat or place and, as far as possible, wait for a time when the gangway is clear.
  • Supporters will not be required to wear a face covering when located in their seat or on the terrace within the stadium bowl.
  • Face-coverings are voluntary for indoor settings or hospitality and bar settings in the club, including Foxy’s, the hospitality boxes, lounges, or the West Stand bars.
  • Face-coverings are voluntary in the East Stand concourse and all other inside areas, like toilets and entry and exit vomitories.
  • Face coverings remain strongly recommended when brushing past others, or when moving in or around the stadium outside in close proximity to others (such as queuing to get in).
  • If you are moving past other spectators, to and from your seat, please avoid where possible face-to-face contact with them, sometimes called the ‘brush past’ - show courtesy and turn your back as you pass.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene - use the sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face, or handles, railings, etc, whenever possible.
  • Always cover your mouth if needing to cough or sneeze.

If supporters have any queries pre-match, please call the ticket office on 03300 945 930.If supporters have any concerns on match day, visit the ticket office or contact a steward, or the SLO team of ‘meeters and greeters’.

We ask that all supporters and visitors treat all staff and club officials with respect.

Read Time: 3 mins