SHIRT AMNESTY: First charity donation made

Following the recent shirt amnesty at Brunton Park, which saw a wide range of kits and memorabilia donated, we have made the first charity donation to Age UK on Lowther Street.

Further donations will be made to charitable causes over the coming weeks, with excess shirts due to be distributed around the world. 

Paul Moffat, area manager for the Carlisle and Eden partnership of Age UK said: "I was lucky enough to win a prize in the Blues Lotto a few weeks and I got chatting to Ewan [Wood] about the shirt amnesty. 

"We were able to work something out and Ewan kindly delivered the shirts to us last week.

"We were delighted to receive a selection of United shirts and would like to thank our fans who have very kindly donated to the recent appeal.

"The shirts are now on sale at our Lowther Street shop in Carlisle. We expect them to sell very quickly and generate valuable funds, all of which will be used locally to provide support and advice for anyone over the age of 50." 

Find out more about Age UK in Carlisle HERE.

Evie, Yvonne, Christine, Margaret and Jane from the Age UK shop are pictured above with some of the donated shirts. 

If you have any shirts you could donate, click HERE for full details on our shirt amnesty.

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