CATERING: Have your say in our half-season survey

We remain committed to improving our match day and non-match day catering provisions, our hospitality and food offering, and our bar facilities.

We have a complete focus on making the experience better. We know that cannot be achieved without the support and involvement of fans.

When we took catering in-house at the start of this current season, we said we wanted you to help us to develop and improve our new catering activities.

At that time we said that we would be constantly engaging and asking for feedback. This started with our first in-depth fan survey in May 2021.

See HERE for that article and HERE for the results of our first survey. 

We also formed the catering panel   and catering features regularly in supporter meetings at CUSG and in my updates.

Click HERE for more information on the catering panel. If you want to be more involved contact SLO Simon Clarkson on

Click HERE for more information on the SLO and the SLO team.

Our first catering questionnaire looked to give us some initial views and feedback from as many fans as possible at that starting point. It gave us our first understanding of what YOU wanted from both your match day experience and your non-match day visits, and where we stood in providing it.

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “I was honest and up front and pulled no punches about the challenge we faced, and  I said that I couldn’t promise to give you everything.

“What we did promise was to work hard to give you as much as we possibly could. In the first six months we have already done many new things such as the creation of a Fan Zone on the west side of the stadium, the reducing of beer and food prices, and the opening of a very popular pizza kiosk.

“We have also changed many products to give better quality and value, and we have refurbished the Sporting Inn, and have now invested in new TVs all over the stadium. 

“We have refreshed Foxy’s and are currently continuing to extensively repaint the whole of the west side fan areas. We have introduced fish & chips, ice creams, John Watt coffee each match day with outside seating, amongst many other things. 

“Of course we have lots more to do - we know that.”

But what do fans think? Please tell us.

Click HERE to complete the questionnaire before Monday 28 February 2022

As stated last June: “Our intention is to ask these same questions again at the same time next year, to help us to measure the impact of the changes we’ve made.”

Now, six months on from the June 2021 launch, we want to take look again at what fans think now, and not wait until the end of the season.

The club is very pleased to be able to again work closely with CUOSC (The Supporter Trust shareholder organisation) and CUSG (Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups) and our independent Supporter Liaison Officer Simon Clarkson in formulating our second survey.

Your answers will help us benchmark the progress of the new in-house catering arrangements, and give us ideas on the changes that you want to see based on your experiences with us this season.

Independent SLO Simon Clarkson said: “The new survey is the chance for fans to have their say about what has happened so far and influence the next steps on catering.

“We all want the provision to get better and better, and this is the next step on that journey.”

CUOSC 1921 board director Jim Mitchell added: “This is an opportunity for fans to tell us how they think the first six months have gone, and highlight areas where they feel things can be added or improved again.

“Catering and hospitality are a big part the match day for many fans, and this is a chance to engage positively and constructively with the club to make fan voices heard."

Click HERE to complete the questionnaire before Monday 28 February 2022

The primary focus for this questionnaire is again on food and light refreshments, but it also covers our bar facilities. 

Within this questionnaire there are questions ...

... about you, so we know how often you visit and where you go ...

... about your use of our catering, hospitality and bars ...

... on your overall view on catering, hospitality and bars ...

... all of which will help us to understand what is important to you.

Please answer based on your most recent experiences during the 2021/22 season so far (since the new catering arrangements were brought in-house). 

Comparing the latest results with the first survey will help us measure progress.

Every pound of profit has been reinvested in the club. Spending by fans in the ground on our catering services is benefitting the club more than ever before.

Please take this opportunity to work with us - you can help us to improve and get better.

The results will be made public in March.

Click HERE to complete the questionnaire before Monday 28 February 2022

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