SOCCER SCHOOL: Gabe and Taylor hand out the certificates

Over 120 children aged between 5 and 12 attended last week’s Carlisle soccer school, with a further 65 taking part in the dance and gymnastics camp.

And it was a week of fun activities enjoyed by all in the sunshine (sort of), both out on the turf and inside the gym.

Friday afternoon was made a little bit more special when first-team players Gabe Breeze and Taylor Charters were guests of honour at the medal ceremony, with certificates and gongs handed out to the sea of smiling faces.

The Community Sports Trust’s assistant manager James Tose said: “We had a fantastic week in Carlisle with over 160 kids enjoying football, dance and gymnastics.

"All the participants had a brilliant time with our community coaches delivering fun activities and competitions.

"A big thank you has to go to first team players Gabe Breeze and Taylor Charters who took time out from their busy schedule to present awards, get pictures taken and sign autographs for the kids.”

“We really enjoyed the afternoon,” Gabe told us. “Everybody wanted autographs and we ended up signing boots, caps and all sorts.

“The children had clearly had a good time and it was nice for us to be part of it.”

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