MANAGER: It comes from the culture you have in the place

Anyone walking through the corridors of Brunton Park these days will instantly pick up on a genuinely good feeling around the place, with a very welcoming undertone flowing beneath every step.

But manager Paul Simpson admitted that it’s almost impossible to put a finger on how that type of environment is created, other than it being a collective attitude that takes everyone in the same direction.

“It’s hard to pinpoint why it happens, other than I think it comes from the culture you have in a place,” he said. “If somebody asked me what culture was, I really don’t know.

“I think it just comes from the standards you set and the standards the players set for themselves. The way you treat each other starts to build a culture, as does winning games.

“I think we’ve got a good feeling around the place at the moment and we’ve got to do everything we possibly can to keep it.  

“The buzz is absolutely brilliant for me. From the first day I walked into the club last February, I’ve had nothing but positive feedback from people.

“Whether that be meeting them on the street, whether that be in the stadium, home or away, the letters I’ve received through the post, everything has been with a real positive feel.

“That’s where I thank the players for that – they’ve gone out and done the business, it’s merely me as a different face at the front of them.

“They’ve gone out and worked and done it, and given the supporters something to grab onto. We now have to make sure they keep the positive feeling.

“To do that the players have to keep working, and me and the staff do everything to prepare them properly, and we hope the supporters keep coming in, keep feeling they’re getting value for money and there’s something worth hanging onto.”

And with four points from a possible six, it’s been a very enjoyable start, with good football to accompany the high intensity approach.

“It’s all about performances,” he insisted. “I know I keep saying this, but if the lads give us the performances consistently then the results will go with it more often than not.

“You do get little bits of luck, and you can be rubbish and still win a game, that’s all part of football. But if you get the performance right more often than not then you tend to get things going your way because it’s been earned.

“We’ve got four points from the two league games, and we’ve had to take a loss in the cup, which we take on the chin, but there are so many good things for us to get from all three. We just have to make sure we do, and that we build on it.

“The one thing I would say is I’ve been so pleased with how the players have applied themselves since they started in pre-season. They’ve surprised themselves with how fit they can actually get.

“They’ve had a lift from that. They’re surprising themselves with how effective they can be in games. If we continue to do it over a long period they will get more and more belief and will be more effective, and get better results.

“We’ve had a win, draw and loss, and I want to make sure that loss doesn’t become two this weekend.”

“Obviously I wasn’t here, but I believe the feeling before I came in February was a long way from where we are now,” he concluded. “I think the directors know that, and they’ve had a tough time as well.

“In football, if results aren’t going right, everybody wants to blame somebody. The easiest targets, once they’ve had a go at the manager and he doesn’t get changed, they have a go at the directors.

“We’ve got a group of directors, only a small group, who have got Carlisle United in their blood. I don’t care what anyone else says. I know these people. They want this football club to be successful.

“Firstly because they are Carlisle United fans and it’s in them, and secondly because it doesn’t half make their life and Saturday afternoons easier if the football’s right and supporters aren’t having a go at them.

“It’s twofold - they want it to stay right. They’re finding money to help fund the rebuild of this squad and football club, and that’s brilliant. I’m not sure everybody realises how much they are doing.

“They’re doing a hell of a lot to try and make this club successful. Hopefully I can spend their money wisely and we can keep moving forward and getting better.”

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