COMMUNITY: Players deliver some Easter cheer

United players Tyrese Omotoye, Tobi Sho-Silva and Dynel Simeu made Easter Sunday just that little bit more special for the children in the Cumberland Infirmary and for the staff and children at Jigsaw Hospice with a surprise delivery of Easter Eggs.

The trio took charge of gathering together the chocolate treats ahead of the Sunday morning training session, and it was off to drop them off as soon as they’d been showered and changed.

Covid rules meant that the lads couldn’t deliver the eggs in person to the Children’s Ward at the Infirmary, but the staff at reception were extremely grateful on behalf of the youngsters as they took charge of the gifts.

Image removed.On to Jigsaw Hospice, and Easter treats were presented by the players in the garden, which is undergoing a makeover as we speak (more on that in the coming weeks).

Speaking on behalf of the players, Tobi said: “The manager has spoken recently about how fortunate we are to be in this profession, and that does mean something as far as we’re concerned.

“Sometimes you just want to give something back, and we thought this would be a good way to say thank you to the staff who work so hard at the hospital and at the hospice, often in very difficult circumstances, every single day of the year.

“And, of course, it goes without saying that the children will love getting their eggs. It’s a simple thing for us to do but hopefully we’ve helped to make a few people smile.”

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