MANAGER: A squad that supports each other

United boss Chris Beech spoke again this week about the free agent market with the emphasis on making sure that, should that route be utilised, it's for the right reasons and with the necessary boxes ticked.

“I think we have a good squad that supports each other well,” he said. “It’s important if anybody does become available that way, they’ll be able to help enhance what we are and, at the same time, although these lads can be training hard, possibly with clubs or on their own, it’s really difficult to get up to speed at the point of making the difference.

“I live in Lancashire and was reading about players training at Preston - for example, Connor Wickham, reading the report of a reserve game on Tuesday, how he did ever so well and tired in the game.

“It’s important when you look at players that they’ll be able to make a difference if that is the case.

“I’m happy with everybody we’ve got. I’ve got to keep pushing everybody as they push me, but if somebody out there’s going to make us better I’d be foolish not to have a phone call.”

“Rhys Bennett is an example, but I think that was a unique situation,” he told us. “He came in and grabbed it with both hands and fully embraced what was going on.

“Him and the other lads found it difficult with the cancellations, not having the opportunity to train outside, things like that, and being thrown into playing, it’s pretty extreme in those conditions.

“Something like that might raise its head again and I’d be daft if I don’t look at it, but I’ve got to make sure if I do, that it makes us better, because you’d be pushing someone’s nose out.

“We’ve got to be mindful of that too.”

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