CUOSC: Help shape the direction of the Fans' Trust

CUOSC are appealing to our fans to help them shape their policies, plans and approach for the future.

Fans can make their voice heard by completing questionnaires on a variety of topics - click HERE to view the eight topics and complete the questionnaires. 

Club chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: "This is an important opportunity for all fans as CUOSC controls 25.37% of shareholders votes in the club and has a board representative on both the Holdings board (which controls football and the major decisions of the club) and 1921 board (which holds the EFL 'golden share' and manages day to day matters. It is at the table for major club decisions.

"Trusts representing fans are a potentially hugely powerful way for fans to be directly involved in a club, one most other clubs in the EFL would be delighted to be able to have. It’s one the Government’s 'fan-led review- is looking at closely for the whole game. At CUFC the fans have it already. It's up to the fans to make it work effectively to get the most from it.

"I am a very strong supporter of fan engagement and in working together in collaboration and partnership with fans. Fans can see that in what we do and how we are regarded in the wider game for our work. 

"Of course, there are specific challenges for us, again as the fans see for themselves and as I have explained, but I continually want us to do more because it helps the club be better. It's not something clubs should be frightened of.

"Fan engagement is not just about club to fans, though. It is just as important for the fan trust to engage directly with fans - the trust members they directly represent and all other CUFC fans who they indirectly represent. Improved engagement by CUOSC in turn helps its club directors work better and be more effective within the club. That’s benefits CUFC too.

"I see many calls from fans wanting CUOSC to be more representative of all fans and not just the small number of trust activists within a relatively small membership. This is a great opportunity for all fans to make their preferences, priorities and views directly known.

"Fans can make CUOSC aware of what they think the priorities for CUOSC should be and to set the CUOSC agenda on a wide range of areas, now and in future, when its directors sit with the other shareholders and club directors. 

"That way the connection between the fans, who CUOSC represent, and what CUOSC does can be strengthened. That can only help CUOSC and the club move forward together.

"That is good for everyone, fans, club, directors, shareholders and anyone looking to get involved in the club."

In terms of the survey itself, the final report of the 'Fan-Led Review' into football is due shortly and CUOSC have already fed into this.

With supporters likely to be given a louder voice in clubs going forward, fan views made directly to CUOSC through the questionnaire will be valuable in the future.

CUOSC intends to use the answers to bring out a new manifesto which, for the first time, will influence its discussions at CUOSC board level and by its directors with the club.

Both the club and CUOSC hope as many of our fan-base as possible will take part. That’s why CUOSC are extending the invite to all supporters and not just our members, and why the club is also backing the approach.

Given the large number of issues facing the game, supporters and the club, it's inevitable that there are a lot of questions covering many topics.

The questionnaire is in eight parts and can be completed online HERE.

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