MANAGER: Something I'm open to

Having forged his playing career as a defender manager Keith Millen confirmed at his midweek press conference that he’s more than open to the concept of bringing in specialist help in other areas, particularly when it comes to the work needed at the other end of the pitch.

“People talk about free agents and we look at every name that’s mentioned,” he said. “Danny Graham has been mentioned, and I know Danny.

“He’s been talked about but he’s not in a position or place where he would come in and have an impact.

“We’re doing loads of work behind the scenes. I’ve thought about things like a goalscoring coach – people like that I’ve worked with before, that sometimes can come in and do a little bit of specialist work.

“Maybe that would be something I would look at. I was never a striker, I was trying to stop the goals. I can coach it but sometimes a different voice, like a specialist forward; I’ve worked with some good people like Kevin Phillips, he was very good at that.”

“It’s something in my mind, but it’s difficult, when you’ve got midweek games, there’s not a lot of time to do much extra training, it’s more about recovery between each game,” he continued. “That’s something I am looking into. I don’t know people in this area as well as I do from the London area, so I’ll have to see what’s out there.

“I’ve got people I know, but I’m not sure they would travel up here once or twice a week. It’s something I’m open to. The more specialists or coaches you can have, the better you can be.

“We all learn – no-one knows everything about football, I’m always learning. Anyone who can help me, or show something I’ve not seen before, it’s got to be helpful.

“I’m definitely not against that but it would have to be the right person at the right time.”

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