CST: Thank you to Fish n Trims

Our Community Sports Trust gang have given a helping hand to Kane Harrison-Hickman as he teams up with Fish n Trims - a local barber shop - on a twelve-week work placement programme.

Based in Denton Holme, Fish n Trims were more than happy to oblige when Teresa Mulholland, who heads up the CST traineeship programme, informed them that Kane had shown interest in becoming a barber.

"We host three traineeship programmes a year," Teresa explained. "These are based around Maths, English, training and employability skills.

"The whole ethos is to provide a two day a week work placement in something that the young person is interested in."

The traineeship has already had success in finding placements for students in the adult social care and landscaping sectors, with full-time employment a possibility when the initial term comes to a close.

"Kane is showing an extra level of dedication with this placement as it will be an unpaid and voluntary position as he looks to gain knowledge and experience about what it's like to work with a professional barber," Teresa told us.

"Without the likes of Fish n Trims offering these opportunities the traineeship wouldn't work.

"This is an amazing opportunity provided by Kieran Fitton and we are thrilled to be able to work with someone who clearly wants to give something back to the community by providing a hands-on work experience placement in this way."

Kane said: "I have always wanted to learn barber skills and it's fantastic to be given this opportunity.

"Kieran is a great mentor and I'm learning a lot." 

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