CLUB: United sign up to help tackle cancer

Carlisle United are delighted to to confirm that Brunton Park is now a test site for volunteers who have signed up to take part in the NHS-Galleri™ trial.

This NHS-Galleri™ trial is an investigation into a new blood test to see if it can help the NHS detect cancer earlier, when it is easier to treat.

The research team is looking at 140,000 people aged 50 to 77 to give blood samples and take part in the NHS-Galleri™ trial.

The blood test is designed to detect at least 50 types of cancer, even before symptoms appear.

It is a research trial to see how well the new Galleri™ test works in the NHS.

Through this trial, the research team can better understand if using the Galleri™ test, alongside standard cancer testing in the NHS, can help to find cancers at an early stage, including in people who don’t have any symptoms. If the trial is successful, then it could mean that more cancers could be treated.

The trial is being run by the Cancer Research UK & King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trials Unit, a team of cancer researchers and trial managers at King’s College London (King’s).

For more information, click HERE

The trial is by invitation only.

You can volunteer to take part in the trial only if you get an invitation letter from the NHS

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “When we were approached to be a site for the trial we accepted at once.

“We want to play our part in helping to find out if this new method of detection can be effective.”

GRAIL, LLC is a company in the United States that developed the Galleri™ test.

They have set up a branch in the UK, GRAIL Bio UK Ltd and are the main funder and organiser of this trial.

The study is in partnership with the National Health Service (NHS) England.

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