INTERVIEW: It's been good to have been able to help

Despite a series of tight restrictions being imposed on community activities over the course of the last 12-months the club has been left feeling very proud of the work done both by the Community Sports Trust gang, and by the football department as they've looked to overcome the challenges posed by the virus to maintain strong community links.

And right at the heart of that has been club captain Nick Anderton, who has been the focal point and main contact for a number of projects which have captured both local and national attention. 

The skipper has attended a number of online meetings with a variety of our comunity groups - most notably recently when he was met with outright derision when he confessed to being a Preston North End fan to our disability players! Thankfully he quickly won them back and calmed them down.

Just as important was a fantastic tie-up with club chaplain Alun Jones which saw the first team members buy and deliver over £2,500 worth of food and much-needed supplies for a homeless project, and for young families who had found themselves in desparate need through no fault of their own.

More recently he spearheaded an initiative which again demonstrated the selfless approach adopted by this season's squad when they clubbed together to purchase a fridge freezer to be used by more community teams in Currock.

Speaking about the award, Nick said: "When I was confirmed as captain I spoke about the fact that it isn't just about what happens on the pitch as far as we're concerned.

"The manager keeps reminding everybody that we have to represent our community in the right way in everything we do. 

"This award is testament to the fact that we've all done that. We've sent video messages and participated in zoom calls through these strange times, and I know I speak for all of the players when I say that we wish we could have taken part in the more 'normal' appearances where you actually get the chance to meet people face-to-face.

"The good thing is that we didn't allow the restrictions to get in the way of staying connected, and I'm very proud to have received this trophy as part of that.

"Thank you to all of the fans who have been so fantastic with us when we've got together in the virtual word, and for the support they've given us throughout the season on social media.

"They really have been superb and we appreciate the way they've interacted with us massively."

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