MANAGER: We're in the deep end

United’s unbeaten run went to three games on Tuesday night but Chris Beech revealed after the Mansfield game that, when it comes to stats, that’s the kind of information he takes least notice of.

“Unbeaten runs don’t interest me, they really don’t,” he insisted. “Winning does. I just take each opportunity singular. If that becomes a brilliant winning run, great, but it has to be one game at a time.

“The more important thing is that the players are gaining momentum and heading back to where they were. But, as we know, you can’t have momentum if you’re not allowed to play.

“We were in full force before Christmas, the rocks we hit on the journey, it smashes the boat up. We have to rebuild it and crack on and make sure there’s no excuses from me or us.

“The players know they have to work hard, we have the capability with the weather to be able to train outside, it all adds up to why we are where we are. I’m really disappointed we’ve had to wait so long to be in this position.

“It’s a frustrating period, 100 per cent, but it’s also very commendable how we’ve gone about our work. It would have stopped a lot of people if over 50 per cent of their workforce had contracted the virus. 

“We’re in the deep end, we’re the team that is playing Saturday-Tuesday right to the end of the season on the back of not being able to train or play regularly. We’re at both ends at the worst end, but we just have to get on with it, and I love the way we try and get on with it.

“I love the way we gain from adversity. I love the way they care so much. To not win that game against Mansfield, we shared our feelings in the changing room and it enthuses me with how the players are reacting.

“It’s a good group and the 14 opportunities we now have will be faced as challenges to be overcome, and let’s see where we are at the end of it all.”

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