SLO: Meet the team ahead of the new season

As announced last week, the Supporter Liaison Officer role has been restructured, with the Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups looking to bring a much more ‘hands on’ approach as we head into the new season.

Click HERE to view the CUSG announcement about the restructuring of the SLO role.

Click HERE to view the SLO role specification article.

So, let’s introduce you to the team:

Image removed.Supporter Liaison Officer - Simon Clarkson

Tell us about yourself - I moved to Carlisle in 1985 and immediately started supporting the Blues. Work took me down south at the turn of the century where I joined the London Branch and ultimately became chair.

I returned to Carlisle in 2015 and became a season ticket holder in the paddock. I have recently been the chair of CUSG, which has helped me develop relationships with reps from supporters’ groups and staff at the club.

Favourite player - Dean Walling

What attracts you to the role - I like a challenge and this role will support another dimension to further improve the level of engagement between the fans and the club. I want to have open dialogue with fans, listen to what needs to be improved and then work with others to make the match day experience better for fans.

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Image removed.Assistant Supporter Liaison Officer (home) - Matt Bond

Tell us about yourself - I am a local lad and have lived in Carlisle all my life, except for 10 years when I was in the Army. An old school friend’s Dad played for Carlisle in the 60s - Maurice Peddelty – and my gran used to have dealings with Bill Shankly when he was manager. Listening to the stories from her and Maurice gave me a love for my team. 

Favourite player - Steve Hayward

What attracts you to the role - I love the club and genuinely want to make things as good for fans as possible. I will focus on the east stand and in particular, around the catering and bars, with a view to improving the provision for fans.


Image removed.Assistant Supporter Liaison Officer (away) - Keith Elliott

Tell us about yourself - I’m local and have supported the club all my life. My best memories are from winning promotion and then playing the season in the first division. I’ve helped with the away travel for a number of years and attend as many away games as I can. I'm hoping for a successful season for the club and that we get the fans back in big numbers.

Favourite player - Peter Murphy

What attracts you to the role - I love travelling to away games and want to help to make the experience for our fans as good as it can be. I intend to liaise with the host SLO and be able to share good quality and timely information for our fans, so that they enjoy their day. I'll be available in the ground should any issues arise.


Image removed.Head meeter and greeter - Geoff Weston

Tell us about yourself - I have only lived in Carlisle for a few years, having previously followed the club from my long-term home in Tamworth. As SLO for the past three years I have developed a good understanding of the challenges for the meeters and greeters at Brunton Park. I really enjoy working with the team at the ground and will focus my energies on this aspect of the SLO role.

Favourite player - Chris Balderstone

What attracts you to the role - I love the atmosphere around the ground on a match day and enjoy being able to help fans and, in particular, the large community groups who visit.


Image removed.Meeter and greeter - Neil Park

Tell us about yourself -  I’ve supported CUFC since 1968. As a teenager I saw our team grow, culminating in the awesome 74/75 season - top of the (Premier) League for a week! My best memories as a supporter are seeing Jimmy Glass score his legendary goal and going to the six Football League Trophy finals.

Favourite player - Stan Bowles

What attracts you to the role – I’ve been doing the meeter and greeter role for three seasons and love it. To meet the fans on a match day and help in any way I can, is just me giving a little bit back for all the great times I have had as a supporter. I cover the west stand car park and enjoy helping fans with any issues.


Image removed.Meeter and greeter - Andrew Hoggarth

Tell us about yourself -  My first game at Brunton Park was against Arsenal in 1974. I can remember being in the Warwick Road End and the atmosphere was great. I live in Skipton and travel by train on the Settle to Carlisle railway to most of the games.

Favourite player - Michael Bridges

What attracts you to the role - l like to help fellow fans. My usual match day area is at the Hughie Mc statue and I get kept busy with questions from fans who need to be pointed in the right direction. I have learned to cope with the weather as I can get under cover in the Paddock once the game starts.


Image removed.Meeter and greeter - Jimmy Slater

Tell us about yourself - I have been a supporter since I was five-years-old. My best memory of supporting the Blues was watching Twinkletoes running on the pitch as a boy, and then travelling to the finals at Wembley. My favourite past manager was Bob Stokoe.

Favourite player - Hughie McIlmoyle

What attracts you to the role -  My usual matchday area is the away turnstiles. I enjoy chatting to and helping away fans who always seem to appreciate the chance to ask questions. It is great to be able to help fans who often have had a very long journey.

Read Time: 5 mins