FORUM: Football forum ahead of the season kick-off

Chris Beech, David Holdsworth and Nigel Clibbens will hold a football forum ahead of the 2021/22 season on Thursday 5 August.

This will be streamed live on the club YouTube channel HERE and questions will be asked by SLO Simon Clarkson and moderators Dan MacLennan and Matt Spooner. 

The event will start at 6pm on the evening and will run until all questions are answered.

The full panel will be confirmed in due course but will not be given prior sight of the questions. 

Media officer Andy Hall said: "We've decided to hold the forum online due to the success of the recent director forum, which ran in this manner.

"Although restrictions now mean we could have fans inside the Sunset Suite with us there is still a cautious approach to protecting our football staff as much as we possibly can.

"For that reason we've chosen to reduce the risk and hold the forum online only.

"Please submit your questions via CUSG as normal. All questions will be answered on the evening, live on YouTube.

"We know this is an extremely popular way of getting the coverage of the event out there.

"Bakc in May we had over 5,000 people watch the directors forums as they happened and then by using the replay option, which was really pleasing."

To submit your question, please email it to before 5pm on Monday 2 August. 

Football Online Forum, Thursday 5 August – event starts and will be streamed live from 6pm HERE.

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