MANAGER: I think it's a superb idea

Fans from the unofficial messageboard have raised over £3,000 in just under 36 hours – which includes a £50 donation from United boss Chris Beech – for their imaginatively named ‘Warwick Road End Big Flags Fund’ as they look to bring a bit of life to the iconic terraced area of the stadium.

The gofundme initiative was launched online on Thursday evening with an initial target of £500, money which would be used to purchase a giant flag to cover the barriers and standing area behind the goal during this locked down and locked out period.

That target was smashed after just two hours of fundraising, and flag design ideas are set to be put to the vote by everyone who donated, with the flags then to be showcased at the earliest opportunity.

Speaking about the initiative at his weekly press conference, manager Chris Beech said: “I think it’s just great.

“When I saw it I thought I’ll support it, of course I will, because I think it’s superb.

“To have that feeling amongst us now, it’s been grown out of nothing. The fans love their club and it’s great the negativity that was here just over a year ago is now doing things like this, and I can only commend everybody.

“When I saw it, I was aware of it, I supported it, and I think it’s superb. It’s really good. It’s just another thing in this season that shows the connection between the fans, players and club. Whatever happens, that’s a success within itself.

“Of course we’re all a little bit more greedy and we all want to achieve. We’ve got to work very hard and represent those supporters, and if we can have a massive flag at the back of the goal, let’s make sure we hit the back of the net and not the flag when we shoot!”

Fans can donate at

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